Head of the research group: Jakub LanghammerGroup members from the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology: Dagmar Chalupová, Bohumír Janský, Michal Jeníček, Zdeněk Kliment, Jakub Langhammer, Ondřej Ledvinka, Milada Matoušková, Ye Su, Miroslav Šobr, Lukáš VlčekWebsites: http://hydro.natur.cuni.cz/ Research Group of Hydrology represents the team of scientists from the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prag and scientists from other research institutions, who are systematically working on research of hydrological processes. The main research topics solved under the support of domestic and international projects are the following: Impact of landscape changes on floods course and consequences Retention potential of headwater areas and flood plains Dynamics of rainfall-runoff changes in headwater areas Dynamics of snow cover accumulation and melting Risk processes in Alpine regions Erosion and material transport from the basin, dynamics of fluvial-morphologic processes Hydromorphological monitoring of the streams and the restoration of the fluvial ecosystems Water quality changes in surface waters News Dear hydrologist, to support the information exchange within the Prague hydrological community, we created an e-mail group named PragueHydro. Everybody can become a member of this e-mail group, just follow the instructions on the website: https://groups.google.com/a/natur.cuni.cz/d/forum/praguehydro