Head of the research group: Václav TremlGroup members from the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology: Tomáš Chuman, Ryszard Kaczka, Jelena Lange, Jiří Mašek, Tomáš Matějček, Isabel Eunice Romero Perez, Dušan Romportl, Barbora Strouhalová, Luděk Šefrna, Václav Treml, Jan TumajerWebsites: https://web.natur.cuni.cz/physgeo/dendro/ GeoBio research team is focusing on natural processes at the landscape level, with emphasis on human influences on these processes. The research activities aim to verify the basic hypothesis of landscape ecology and biogeography using remotely sensed data, historical and present maps or cadastral data and other sources of spatial information. The basic and applied research is focused on the following topics: Monitoring and Modeling of the impact of land cover changes on landscape functions Assessment of the relationship between geodiversity and biodiversity at a landscape level Landscape classification and typology The dynamics of land cover in extreme conditions (alpine timberline, post-mining areas) Long-term evolution of selected characteristics of soils and vegetation in relation to human influences