Outgoing mobility for employees of the CU Faculty of Science

The conditions for outgoing mobility for employees of the Charles University Faculty of Science under the Erasmus programme are listed on the website of the European Office of the Rectorate of Charles University here (in Czech), and here (in English).

See this link for all necessary information, forms, amount of funding and a manual for applicants on filling in the application form, which must be submitted electronically via the PAS (Projects and Tenders) module in IS Věda: https://is.cuni.cz/veda

In addition to the work contacts of the department/institute, it is also possible to use the employee mobility offers listed here: https://teachingmobility.eu/.  Registration (CAS) is required in order to publish an offer. The offer of staff training weeks is listed e.g. here, although these courses may be subject to a fee.

NOTE The implementation of teaching stays – Teaching Staff Mobility – requires a valid Interinstitutional Agreement with the partner institution. A list of all valid agreements at the Charles University Faculty of Science is available here.

In exceptional cases, it is possible to implement Teaching Mobility in Erasmus countries for a minimum duration of two days, but the number of teaching hours remains the same as for five days – i.e., eight hours. For longer stays, the minimum number of teaching hours increases by 1.6 hours per working day. Consultations or the leading of a seminar can also be included in the teaching hours. The minimum length of Staff Training Mobility is 5 days, and the maximum length of both types of stay is 60 days.

Eligible activities for Erasmus Staff Mobilities do not include preparation for teaching, participation in conferences, preparatory visits or independent research.

It is also not possible to receive funding for virtual mobility.


Mobility in the Erasmus+ programme at the Faculty of Science

Selection procedures take place quarterly in relation to the dates of the trip; a specific date is announced in advance to all employees on the website of the Foreign Affairs Department. Here is a list of indicative dates:

Q trip date application deadline
Q1 from  1. 1.  to 31. 3. in November of the previous year
Q2 from  1. 4.  to 30. 6. in February of the same year
Q3 from  1. 7.  to 30. 9. in May of the same year
Q4 from 1. 10. to 31. 12. in August of the same year

Faculty of Science: 2nd quarter (Q2) 2025

– submission of applications possible from 1. 2. to 28. 2. 2025 15:00

Applications submitted must be approved in IS Věda by the head of the applicant's workplace by this date, have the status "submitted" and include as an attachment of the Erasmus Staff Mobility Agreement, which is available in IS Věda or here). This document is signed on our behalf by Kateřina Lapiszová (katerina.lapiszova@natur.cuni.cz) from the Foreign Affairs Department of the Faculty of Science.

The selection of participants is evaluated and approved by the Vice-Dean for Foreign Affairs of the Faculty of Science and the faculty's Foreign Committee. The selected participants are then nominated to the European Office of the Rectorate, which then confirms or rejects the nomination.

Evaluation criteria: purpose of mobility, benefit for the faculty/workplace; professional and linguistic competence of the applicant, length of stay, frequency of trips (priority is given to the first trips).

In case of a positive result of the application, the mobility is approved. The European Office of the Rectorate [the contact person for Staff Mobility at the Rectorate is Markéta Beťková (marketa.betkova@ruk.cuni.cz)] prepares a Participation Agreement with a calculated amount for both accommodation and travel costs, which it sends to the Foreign Affairs Department of the Faculty of Science for signature by the applicant, who is than contacted by the Foreign Affairs Department for this purpose.

There is no entitlement to financial support for virtual mobility. The funds calculated according to the Participant Agreement are stated as a maximum amount. If this amount is exceeded, an additional source of support must be secured from the relevant workplace.


The applicant also submits a travel order by standard means. The costs of outgoing mobility are covered by contract no. 990508.

Employees of the Charles University Faculty of Science can use the insurance policy taken out by the faculty for trips abroad. Detailed information on this insurance policy can be found here.

During the stay, it is necessary to have the Confirmation of Erasmus Staff Mobility confirmed at the receiving institution – available here.

After returning, the accounting for the trip abroad should be settled at the faculty's Finance Department in the standard manner. The contact person is Hana Bejčková, DiS. (hana.bejckova@natur.cuni.cz). The employee must submit the following within 10 days of the end of their trip:

  1. Original of the Confirmation of Erasmus Staff Mobility – confirmation must contain specific dates of eligible activities from-to (EXCLUDING travel days), confirmation of activities carried out and teaching hours according to the mobility programme, or confirmation of teaching/training on weekends, if this took place according to the original schedule
  2. Accounting of the trip abroad, including the Final Report and all accounting documents

Employees must also fill in an online report, known as an EU Survey, to which they receive a link by e-mail.

The faculty then asks the International Office of the Rectorate for reimbursement of eligible costs up to the amount specified in the Participant Agreement, or up to the number of confirmed days of eligible activities + travel expenses.