The Department of Parasitology is a modern workplace that combines classical approaches of zoology and infectious biology with advanced technologies of molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, immunology, and bioinformatics. The field is characterized by its complexity and interdisciplinary approach.

Our research teams study a wide spectrum of parasitic organisms, their interactions with hosts, as well as possibilities for their diagnostics and therapies. We teach students at all levels of study, offering them involvement in research and field excursions. We collaborate with leading research institutions both domestically and internationally.


The department is traditionally organized into three basic scientific directions:

  • Protozoology/Protistology = the study of parasitic protozoa,
  • Helminthology = the study of parasitic worms,
  • Medical Entomology = the study of parasitic arthropods.



We are based: 

  • at the Biological Section of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in the center of Prague (Viničná 7), and
  • at the Biotechnology and Biomedical Center of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University (BIOCEV) in Vestec (Průmyslová 595).



History of the Department

The origins of the department date back to 1938, when Prof. Otto Jírovec (1907–1972) founded the Parasitological Department in the building at Viničná 7, back then as part of the Zoological Institute of Charles University. As the founder of modern Czech parasitology, he developed this field primarily in the areas of veterinary and human medicine. Prof. Jírovec achieved international fame especially by discovering the causative agent of pneumocystis pneumonia, which was named Pneumocystis jirovecii in his honor. He also significantly contributed to the research of toxoplasmosis, vaginal trichomoniasis, and other parasitoses. In 1961, he organized the first international protozoological conference in Prague, establishing a tradition of regular meetings of protozoologists from around the world. In 2017, after 56 years, this meeting returned to Prague under the direction of protistologists from the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Assoc. Prof. Vladimír Hampl and Prof. Ivan Čepička.

Throughout its history, the Parasitological Department became part of the Department of Ecological Zoology, later separating as part of the Department of Parasitology and Hydrobiology. Notable parasitologists have successively led the department: entomologist Prof. Jaroslav Kramář (1954–1976), helminthologist Prof. Bohumil Ryšavý (1976–1986), and protozoologists Prof. Jiří Vávra (1986–1990) and Prof. Jaroslav Kulda (1990–1997, 1999–2000). The Department of Parasitology became fully independent in 2004.