Research, closely intertwined with teaching, form the foundational pillars of the departmental activities. We focus on the study of parasite biology, their adaptation to parasitism, and their interactions with hosts, both in the laboratory and in the field. We collaborate with scientific research teams in the Czech Republic and around the world. Our teams include many students from all levels of study as well as researchers from abroad.




The achievements of the department members have been recognized at both national and international levels:

  • World Federation of Parasitologists Distinguished Achievement Awards: 2010 Prof. Jaroslav Kulda, 2018 Prof. Jiří Vávra
  • Bedřich Hrozný Award for Creative Achievement: 2016 Assoc. Prof. Vladimír Hampl
  • Czech Learned Society Award: 2011 Prof. Jan Tachezy
  • Donatio Universitatis Carolinae: 2020 Prof. Petr Volf
  • Charles University Gold Medal: 2023 Prof. Jan Tachezy


Members of the department hold prestigious grants, such as Twinning H2020 (Prof. Tachezy), OPVVV19 (Prof. Tachezy), ERC Consolidator Grant (Assoc. Prof. Hampl), H2020-MCTN (Prof. Volf), H2020-Infraia (Prof. Volf).

The teams are involved in international projects studying ape parasites in Africa (HPI) and leishmaniasis in Southern Europe, Africa, and South America (LeishShield, VectorNet, EuroLeish).