The 2024/25 winter semester programme


1. 10. 2024 Scheduling meeting

8. 10. 2024 Echoes of scientific events

15. 10. 2024 Miroslav Srba (Department of Experimental Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University):

Determinace tvaru a barvy pastí špirlic (Sarracenia) pohledem klasické genetiky a aplikovaného šlechtění (in Czech).

22. 10. 2024 Petr Žáček and Olga Součková (BIOCEV, OMICS Mass Spectrometry Core Facility):

Metabolomics: a powerful analytical tool to study biological processes

29. 10. 2024 Tetiana Kalachova (Institute of Experimental Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences):

With a little help from my friends: bacteriophages in plant protection against bacterial diseases

5. 11. 2024 Jaroslav Čepl (Department of Forest Genetics and Physiology, Czech University of Life Sciences):

Lesy v pohybu: Od doby ledové k asistované migraci (in Czech)

12. 11. 2024 Michal Koblížek (Centre Algatech, Institute of Microbiology, Czech Academy of Sciences):

Cold-loving bacterium from a mountain lake harvests light energy using both bacteriochlorophyll-containing photosystems as well as proton-pumping rhodopsins

19. 11. 2024 Alexander Ač (CzechGlobe - Global Change Research Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences):

Climate change is accelerating. How close are irreversible tipping points?

26. 11. 2024 Gabriela da Silva (Department of Experimental and Functional Morphology, Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences):

Throwing away to survive: senescence of rhizome as a mechanism adopted by clonal plants to remain young forever

3. 12. 2024 Said Hafidh (Laboratory of Pollen Biology, Institute of Experimental Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences):

Love signals: Role of RNA binding proteins in reproductive cell-cell communication.

10. 12. 2024 Kateřina Schwarzerová (Department of Experimental Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University):

Fulbright at Washington State University: internship report

17. 12. 2024 Christmas Seminar