Admission exams for Master studies

General info about admission exams may be found here. Individual applicants will be interviewed by the committee at the Department. Basic overview of plant anatomy and physiology is required and tested. The knowledge should cover the topics of basic bachelor classes (for example Plant Physiology - MB130P13 and Plant Anatomy and Morphology - MB130P35). A brief summary of the topics is publicly available in the list of topics (in Czech) for Master Admission Exams.


Master (diploma) thesis:

Current topics of Master theses for which you can subscribe/apply may be found in SIS.

If you are an external or affiliate member of the Department of Experimental Plant Biology and you are interested in offering a topic for Master thesis, please check that your password for SIS is valid, In case your password does not work or if you need to gain new access to SIS, please contact RNDr. Hana Konrádová, PhD (  Every supervisor can easily announce new project topics for Master theses by himself/herself in SIS/položka "zadávání prací". 

According to the decision made by the Department of Experimental Plant Biology, it is necessary that each affiliate supervisor finds a consultant within the regular members of the Department, who ensures that Faculty´s formal requirements are met.

Requests for extension of publication of work

  • The supervisor will ensure that if the student asks for an extension of the thesis's publication, a copy of the extra work will be prepared and the student will deliver it to the study department. According to the Higher Education Act, this copy is intended for MŠMT.


Master thesis defence

  • The course of the master thesis defence is driven by the chair of the committee. After the introduction, the applicant for a master degree presents the results of her/his thesis (12-15 min). The time for the presentation may not be exceeded – the chair terminates the presentation after 15 min with no exceptions.
  • Further, the supervisor, as well as the opponent, read their comments on the thesis. The opponent asks questions and the student answers them immediately. The student may also prepare extra slides to answer the opponent´s questions.
  • After that, the general discussion follows. The questions should be addressed to the student (the supervisor may involve himself/herself only when asked to do so by the chair). The defence of one applicant takes about 35 min (max 40 min in total).


Final state exam in experimental plant biology

The final state exam is an oral interview. The committee tests the knowledge of the subjects from the student´s master program


For the Plant Anatomy and Physiology master program:
TO1: Plant Physiology  
TO2: Plant Anatomy and Cell Biology 

For the Plant Molecular and Cell Biology master program:  
TO1: Plant Cell and Molecular Biology  
TO2: Plant Physiology 

For the Plant Ecophysiology master program:
TO1: Plant Physiology and Ecophysiology
TO2: Plant Anatomy and Cytology​

Content specification of TO1 and TO2: 

TO Plant Physiology  
Covered by courses: MB130P13, MB130P14, MB130P88 (část) 
Recommended literature (in Czech):

  • Pavlová L. Fyziologie rostlin, Praha, Karolinum 2006
  • Luštinec J., Žárský V. Úvod do fyziologie vyšších rostlin, Karolinum 2003

TO Plant Cell and Molecular Biology   
Covered by courses: MB130P34, MB130P30 
Recommended literature (in Czech):

  • Pavlová L, Fischer L. Růst a vývoj rostlin, Karolinum 2011
  • Luštinec J., Žárský V. Úvod do fyziologie vyšších rostlin, Karolinum 2003

TO Plant Anatomy and Cell Biology 
Covered by courses: MB130P34, MB130P30, MB130P88 (část), MB130P61 

Recommended literature (in Czech):

  • Votrubová O. Anatomie rostlin, Karolinum 2010
  • Luštinec J., Žárský V. Úvod do fyziologie vyšších rostlin, Karolinum 2003