Extension of employment contract
- An academic
- an assessment interview is conducted with the employee on the basis of the Dean's Measures on the Implementation of the Career Rules and Assessment of Academics and Researchers, a record of the assessment interview is made (Record of the Assessment Interview with the academic whose employment contract is ending - Zápis z hodnotícího pohovoru s AP, kterému končí PS)
- the head of department completes a proposal sheet
- the proposal sheet, together with the record of the Assessment interview, is sent by the department to the HR Division
- A non-academic
- the head of department completes the proposal sheet
- the proposal sheet is sent by the department to the HR Division
Change of position
- an academic
- the employee is interviewed on the basis of the Dean's Measures on the Implementation of the Career Rules and the Assessment of Academics and Researchers, a record of the interview is made (Record of the assessment interview with AP due to change of academic position - Zápis z hodnotícího pohovoru s AP z důvodu změny akademické pozice)
- the head of department completes a proposal sheet
- the head of department creates a job description for the employee
- the proposal sheet, together with the record of the assessment interview, is sent by the department to the HR Division
- the job description is sent by the department to the HR Division after the employee has signed it, usually together with a signed amendment to the employment contract
- a non-academic
- the head of department completes a proposal sheet
- the head of department creates a job description for the employee
- the department sends the proposal sheet to the HR Division
- the job description is sent by the department to the HR Division after the employee has signed it, usually together with a signed amendment to the employment contract
In the case of a change of position from non-academic to academic, the employee must successfully complete the selection procedure.
Change of salary, change of funding source
- the head of department completes a proposal sheet
- the department sends the proposal sheet to the HR Division