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Strukture-functional mass spectrometry (MS)
- The development of novel techniques
- Photo-Induced Cross-Linking
- Photo-Induced Electron Release
- Cupredoxin – azurin (P. aeruginosa)
- Clinically relevant protein-protein interactions
MFO system – metabolism of xenobiotics
- interaction of membrane proteins (cytochrom b5, cytochrom P450, and their reduktases)
Bakterial pathogenesis
- Interaction of CyaA toxinu (B. pertusis)
- Interaction of Azurinu (P. aeruginosa)
Interaction of regulatory proteins
- eukaryotic 14-3-3
- human calmodulin (CALcium MODULated protein)
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Hlavova 2030/8, 128 43 Prague 2, 1st floor, door 216
phone: +420 221 951 281
Group leader: Miroslav Šulc
Research staff: Tomáš Ječmen, Adriana Osičková, Renata Ptáčková
PhD students: Vladimír Ondruška, Roman Tuzhilkin
Msc students:
Bc students:
Burešová, M.; Benešová, L.; Minárik, M.; Ptáčková, R.; Hálková, T.; Hošek, P.; Baxa, J.; Pešek, M.; Svatoň, M.; Fiala, O.; Circulating Tumor DNA correlates with Lactate Dehydrogenase, CYFRA 21-1, and CRP levels in patients with advanced NSCLC. Journal of Cancer, 2023, Roč. 14, č. 1, s.1-8. DOI: 10.7150/jca.78574
Osičková, A.; Knoblochová, Š.; Bumba, L.; Man, P.; Kalaninová, Z.; Lepesheva, A.; Jurnečka, D.; Čížková, M.; Biedermannová, L.; Goldsmith, JA.; Maynard, JA.; McLellan, JS.; Osička, R.; Šebo, P.; Mašín, J.; A conserved tryptophan in the acylated segment of RTX toxins controls their β2 integrin–independent cell penetration. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2023, Roč. 299, č. 8, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.104978
Ječmen, T.; Tuzhilkin, R.; Šulc, M.; Photo-Methionine, Azidohomoalanine and Homopropargylglycine Are Incorporated into Newly Synthesized Proteins at Different Rates and Differentially Affect the Growth and Protein Expression Levels of Auxotrophic and Prototrophic E. coli in Minimal Medium. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, Roč. 24, č. 14, DOI: 10.3390/ijms241411779
Kozlík, P.; Molnárová, K.; Ječmen, T.; Křížek, T.; Bosáková, Z.; Prediction of Intact N-Glycopeptide Retention Time Windows in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography. Molecules, 2022, Roč. 27, č. 12, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.3390/molecules27123723
Hálková, T.; Ptáčková, R.; Semyakina, A.; Suchánek, Š.; Traboulsi, E.; Ngo, O.; Hejcmanova, K.; Majek, O.; Bures, J.; Zavoral, M.; Minárik, M.; Benesova, L.; Somatic Mutations in Exon 7 of the TP53 Gene in Index Colorectal Lesions Are Associated with the Early Occurrence of Metachronous Adenoma. Cancers, 2022, Roč. 14, č. 12, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.3390/cancers14122823
Benesova, L.; Ptáčková, R.; Hálková, T.; Semyakina, A.; Svatoň, M.; Fiala, O.; Pešek, M.; Minárik, M.; Detection and Quantification of ctDNA for Longitudinal Monitoring of Treatment in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Using a Universal Mutant Detection Assay by Denaturing Capillary Electrophoresis. Pathology & Oncology Research, 2022, Roč. 28, č. Special Issue, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.3389/pore.2022.1610308
Filipi, K.; Rahman, WU.; Osičková, A.; Osička, R.; Kingella kingae RtxA Cytotoxin in the Context of Other RTX Toxins. Microorganisms [online], 2022, Roč. 10, č. 3, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms10030518
Golshani, M.; Rahman, WU.; Osičková, A.; Holubová, J.; Lora, J.; Balashova, N.; Šebo, P.; Osička, R.; Filamentous Hemagglutinin of Bordetella pertussis Does Not Interact with the β2 Integrin CD11b/CD18. International Journal of Molecular Sciences [online], 2022, Roč. 23, č. 20, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.3390/ijms232012598
Tuzhilkin, R.; Šulc, M.; Modelové cupredoxiny (azurin a další) využívané pro studium strukturně funkčních vztahů elektron-transportních systémů proteinové povahy. Bioprospect, 2022, Roč. 32, č. 4, s.45-51.
Molnárová, K.; Ďuriš, A.; Ječmen, T.; Kozlík, P.; Comparison of human IgG glycopeptides separation using mixed-mode hydrophilic interaction/ion-exchange liquid chromatography and reversed-phase mode. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2021, Roč. 413, č. 16, s.4321-4328. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-021-03388-3
Osičková, A.; Khaliq, H.; Mašín, J.; Jurnečka, D.; Suková, A.; Fišer, R.; Holubová, J.; Staněk, O.; Šebo, P.; Osička, R.; Acyltransferase-mediated selection of the length of the fatty acyl chain and of the acylation site governs activation of bacterial RTX toxins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020, Roč. 295, č. 28, s.9268-9280. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.014122
Mašín, J.; Osičková, A.; Jurnečka, D.; Klímová, N.; Khaliq, H.; Šebo, P.; Osička, R.; Retargeting from the CR3 to the LFA-1 receptor uncovers the adenylyl cyclase enzyme-translocating segment of Bordetella adenylate cyclase toxin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020, Roč. 295, č. 28, s.9349-9365. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.013630
Kozlík, P.; Molnárová, K.; Ječmen, T.; Křížek, T.; Goldman, R.; Glycan-specific precipitation of glycopeptides in high organic content sample solvents used in HILIC. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2020, Roč. 1150, č. August, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2020.122196
Stoszko, M.; Al-Hatmi, AMS.; Skriba, A.; Roling, M.; Ne, E.; Crespo, R.; Mueller, YM.; Najafzadeh, MJ.; Kang, J.; Ptáčková, R.; LeMasters, E.; Biswas, P.; Bertoldi, A.; Kan, TW.; de Crignis, E.; Šulc, M.; Lebbink, L.; Rokx, C.; Verbon, A.; van Ijcken, W.; Katsikis, PD.; Palstra, R.; Havlíček, V.; de Hoog, S.; Mahmoudi, T.; Gliotoxin, identified from a screen of fungal metabolites, disrupts 7SK snRNP, releases P-TEFb, and reverses HIV-1 latency. Science advances [online], 2020, Roč. 6, č. 33, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba6617
Rahman, WU.; Osičková, A.; Klímová, N.; Lora, J.; Balashova, N.; Osička, R.; Binding of Kingella kingae RtxA Toxin Depends on Cell Surface Oligosaccharides, but Not on beta(2) Integrins. International Journal of Molecular Sciences [online], 2020, Roč. 21, č. 23, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.3390/ijms21239092
Skotnicová, A.; Boubínová, G.; Boštíková, Z.; Dušková, Š.; Šulc, M.; Kutinová Canová, N.; Mráz, J.; Hodek, P.; Does Dihydromyricetin Impact on Alcohol Metabolism. Physiological Research, 2020, Roč. 69, č. Suplement 4, s.S573-S581. DOI: 10.33549/physiolres.934606
Staněk, O.; Mašín, J.; Osička, R.; Jurnečka, D.; Osičková, A.; Šebo, P.; Rapid Purification of Endotoxin-Free RTX Toxins. Toxins, 2019, Roč. 11, č. 6, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.3390/toxins11060336
Osickova A, Balashova N, Masin J, Sulc M, Roderova J, Wald T, Brown AC, Koufos E, Chang EH, Giannakakis A, Lally ET, Osicka R.; Cytotoxic activity of Kingella kingae RtxA toxin depends on post-translational acylation of lysine residues and cholesterol binding. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2018 Nov 7;7(1):178. doi: 10.1038/s41426-018-0179-x.
Zahradník J, Kolenko P, Palyzová A, Černý J, Kolářová L, Kyslíková E, Marešová H, Grulich M, Nunvar J, Šulc M, Kyslík P, Schneider B.; The crystal structure of XdpB, the bacterial old yellow enzyme, in an FMN-free form. PLoS One. 2018 Apr 9;13(4):e0195299. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195299.
Šulc, M.; Indra, R.; Moserová, M.; Schmeiser, H.; Frei, E.; Arlt, V.; Stiborová, M.; The impact of individual cytochrome P450 enzymes on oxidative metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene in human livers. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 2016, Roč. 57, č. 3, s.229-235. IF 2.63 DOI: 10.1002/em.22001
Mrízová, I.; Moserová, M.; Milichovský, J.; Šulc, M.; Kizek, R.; Kopečková, K.; Arlt, V.; Stiborová, M.; Heterologous expression of human cytochrome P450 2S1 in Escherichia coli and investigation of its role in metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene and ellipticine. Monatshefte für Chemie, 2016, Roč. 147, č. 5, s.881-888. DOI: 10.1007/s00706-016-1738-2
Stiborová, M.; Indra, R.; Moserová, M.; Šulc, M.; Hodek, P.; Frei, E.; Schmeiser, H.; Arlt, V.; NADPH- and NADH-dependent metabolism of and DNA adduct formation by benzo[a]pyrene catalyzed with rat hepatic microsomes and cytochrome P450 1A1. Monatshefte für Chemie, 2016, Roč. 147, č. 5, s.847-855. DOI: 10.1007/s00706-016-1713-y
Wald, T.; Osičková, A.; Mašín, J.; Matyska Lišková, P.; Petry-Podgorska, I.; Matoušek, T.; Šebo, P.; Osička, R.; Transmembrane segments of complement receptor 3 do not participate in cytotoxic activities but determine receptor structure required for action of Bordetella adenylate cyclase toxin. Pathogens and Disease, 2016, Roč. 74, č. 3, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.1093/femspd/ftw008
Mašín, J.; Osičková, A.; Sukova, A.; Fišer, R.; Halada, P.; Bumba, L.; Linhartova, I.; Osička, R.; Šebo, P.; Negatively charged residues of the segment linking the enzyme and cytolysin moieties restrict the membrane-permeabilizing capacity of adenylate cyclase toxin. Scientific Reports, 2016, Roč. 6, č. SEP 1 2016, s.1-14. DOI: 10.1038/srep29137
Jirků, M.; Lánský, Z.; Bednárová, L.; Šulc, M.; Monincová, L.; Majer, P.; Vyklický, L.; Vondrášek, J.; Teisinger, J.; Boušová, K.; The characterization of a novel S100A1 binding site in the N-terminus of TRPM1. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2016, Roč. 78, č. September 2016, s.186-193. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocel.2016.07.014
Maňásková-Postlerová, P.; Cozlová, N.; Dorosh, A.; Šulc, M.; Guyonnet, B.; Jonáková, V.; Acrosin inhibitor detection along the boar epididymis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, Roč. 82, č. January 2016, s.733-739. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2015.10.034
Šulc, M.; Mrízová, I.; Černá, T.; Frei, E.; Eckschlager, T.; Adam, V.; Kopečková, K.; Stiborová, M.; Effectiveness of human cytochrome P450 3A4 present in liposomal and microsomal nanoparticles in formation of covalent DNA adducts by ellipticine. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 2016, Roč. 37, č. Suppl. 1, s.95-102.
Ječmen T, Ptáčková R, Černá V, Dračínská H, Hodek P, Stiborová M, Hudeček J, Šulc M.; Photo-initiated crosslinking extends mapping of the protein-protein interface to membrane-embedded portions of cytochromes P450 2B4 and b₅. Methods. 2015 Nov 1;89:128-37. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2015.07.015.
Vimberg V, Kuzma M, Stodůlková E, Novák P, Bednárová L, Šulc M, Gažák R.; Hydnocarpin-Type Flavonolignans: Semisynthesis and Inhibitory Effects on Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Formation. J Nat Prod. 2015 Aug 28;78(8):2095-103. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.5b00430.
Bousova K, Jirku M, Bumba L, Bednarova L, Sulc M, Franek M, Vyklicky L, Vondrasek J, Teisinger J.; PIP2 and PIP3 interact with N-terminus region of TRPM4 channel. Biophys Chem. 2015 Oct;205:24-32. doi: 10.1016/j.bpc.2015.06.004.
Zigo M, Dorosh A, Pohlová A, Jonáková V, Šulc M, Maňásková-Postlerová P.; Panel of monoclonal antibodies to sperm surface proteins as a tool for monitoring localization and identification of sperm-zona pellucida receptors. Cell Tissue Res. 2015 Mar;359(3):895-908. doi: 10.1007/s00441-014-2072-9.
Academic Labs
Proteome Centre, UVIC, Canada
Texas Medical School, University of Texas, Houston, USA
School Of Biological & Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Institute of Fyzical chemistry J. Heyrovského AV ČR, Praha
Institute of Microbiology AV ČR, Praha
Zentiva, a.s., CZ (2013–2014)
BEDO, Thailand, (2015-2016)
Teaching (Department of Biochemistry, PřF UK)
Applied biochemistry - MC250P51
Life – molekules and Biochemistry - MC250P70
Biochemistry and biology of microorganisms - MC250P08
Biochemical Methods - MC250P09A
Methods for Studies of Biomolecules - MC250P09B
Practical Course in Biochemistry and Biology of Microorganisms - MC250C09
Practical course in biochemistry - MC250C31N
Practical course in biochemistry for teachers - MC250C32N
Biochemistry II (KATA) - MC250P40B
Biochemistry practise - MC250C23
Biochemistry practise for teachers - MC250C33
Defended Bachelour Thesis: 16
Defended Diploma Thesis: 6
Defended PhD Thesis: 3
SPA: 3
Dominik Musil
Andrea Tichá
Zina Briki
David Landl
Radek Žídek
Kristýna Beňová
Kateřina Pešlová/Haladová
Martina Mazurová
Jana Štrohalmová
Antonín Knížek
Jiří Zahradník
Jana Michalová/Linhartová