Bachelor program of Biochemistry
List of lectures, practical courses, laboratory training and seminars of the bachelor students is published in Information book on Faculty of Science of Charles University (see Bachelor program of „Biochemistry“). Biochemistry education program is a multisciplinary program, consisting of multiply scientific disciplines such as a wide range of biochemical subjects, biomedicine, chemistry, biology, chemical biology, physics, mathematics and social skills. Several of interdisciplinary subjects provided by the department are unique among those of the Universities in the Czech Republic (Biochemistry as the theoretical base of biomedicine, Applied biochemistry directed to construction of new drugs, Management of biochemistry). The students finalize their studies by the state exams and Bachelor thesis. They receive the Bc. degree.
Master program of Biochemistry
List of lectures, practical courses, laboratory training and seminars of the master students is published in Information book on Faculty of Science of Charles University (see Master program of „Biochemistry“). The education is directed on special biochemical disciplines, novel experimental approaches utilizing in research in biochemistry, biomedicine, chemical biology and molecular biology. The major part of the studies consists of experimental work in laboratories that is necessary for the diploma thesis they did during both two years of studies. The students finalize their studies by the state exams and Diploma thesis. They receive the Mgr. degree.
PhD program of Biochemistry
The PhD program of Biochemistry is exclusively associated with a scientific work of students at laboratories of the Department of biochemistry as well as laboratories of cooperating Universities and Institutes in the Czech Republic and abroad (i.e. Institute of Microbiology and Institute for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, both members of Czech Academy of Sciences, German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, University of Luis Pasteur in Strasbourg). The scientific work of students is necessary to be done on the high levels; results have to be published in impacted scientific journals. The students finalize their studies by the Doctor state exams and PhD dissertation thesis. They receive the PhD. degree.