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Heme enzymes and heme-containing sensor proteins
- role of hemoproteins in health and disease
- role in carcinogenesis
- role in bacterial pathogenesis – antibacterial therapy
- structure-function relationships
Mechanism of signal transduction in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
- role of heme in regulation pathways (e.g. in regulation of protein expression)
Check out our website and our group's business card for more information!
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Hlavova 2030/8, 128 43 Prague 2, 2nd floor, door 217
tel: +420 221 951 242
Group leader: Markéta Martínková
Research staff: Toru Shimizu, Václav Martínek
PhD students: Artur Sergunin, Dominik Pašek
Mgr studenti: Dominika Andrlová, Alexandra Bečková, Peter Ďatko, Barbora Kulhavá
Bc students: Dominika Kollárová
JPIAMR2019-087 Prevention of antibiotic resistance by TARGEted Treatment of pneumonia in children (2020-2024)
GA ČR, 15-19883S Molecular mechanisms of intraprotein/interdomain signal transduction in model heme sensor proteins (2015-2017)
IPSEN Pharma, os., external sponsored study Comparison of the adsorption capacity and trapping effectiveness of diosmectite and charcoal on the compounds causing the 10 most frequent intoxications in acute medicine (2014-2015)
GA ČR, 203/09/0812 Mechanism of modulation of cytochrome P450 1A1/2 mediated oxidation of drugs and carcinogens by cytochrome b5; experimental and computational approach (2009-2011)
UNCE 204025/2012 Modern technologies for identification and optimization of anti-tumor drugs of the new generation (2012-2017)
GAUK 756214 Molecular mechanisms of intraprotein/interdomain signal transduction in heme-sensor proteins, namely histidine kinase and diguanylate cyclase (2014-2015)
GAUK 362115 Study of the signal transduction in model heme-containing sensor proteins (namely globin-coupled histidine kinase, AfGcHK and phosphodiesterase, EcDOS) aimed at alternation of their enzyme activity (2015-2017)
GAUK 704217 Structure and function relationship of model heme-containing sensor proteins and their participation in processes associated with human health (2017-2019)
Sergunin A., Vávra J., Pašek D., Shimizu T., Martínková M. Multiple roles for iron in microbial physiology: bacterial oxygen sensing by heme-based sensors, Advances in Microbial Physiology, 2024 85, In press. ISBN: 9780443295423, eBook ISBN: 9780443295430, DOI: 10.1016/bs.ampbs.2024.10.001
Vávra, J.; Sergunin, A.; Farná, A.; Ovad, T.; Shimizu, T.; Martínková, M.; Is ATP the Only Nucleoside Triphosphate among ATP, CTP, GTP, and UTP to Have a Role in Kinase Catalysis of Heme-Regulated Inhibitor toward eIF2α during Lung Cancer Development?. Catalysts, 2023, 13, 2, DOI: 10.3390/catal13020281
Vávra, J.; Sergunin, A.; Pompach, P.; Savchenko, D.; Hraníček, J.; Šloufová, I.; Shimizu, T.; Martínková, M.; Characterization of the interaction between the tumour suppressor p53 and heme and its role in the protein conformational dynamics studied by various spectroscopic techniques and hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2023, 243, June, DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2023.112180
Martínková, M.; Nová role hemu ve zdraví a nemoci - hemové senzorové proteiny. Chemické listy, 2022, 116, 3, s.163-171. DOI: 10.54779/chl20220163
Vávra, J.; Sergunin, A.; Jeřábek, P.; Shimizu, T.; Martínková, M.; Signal transduction mechanisms in heme-based globin-coupled oxygen sensors with a focus on a histidine kinase (AfGcHK) and a diguanylate cyclase (YddV or EcDosC). Biological Chemistry, 2022, 403, 11-12, s.1031-1042. DOI: 10.1515/hsz-2022-0185
Burská, D.; Stibůrek, L.; Křížová, J.; Vanišová, M.; Martínek, V.; Sládková, J.; Zámečník, J.; Honzík, T.; Zeman, J.; Hansíková, H.; Tesařová, M.; Homozygous missense mutation in UQCRC2 associated with severe encephalomyopathy, mitochondrial complex III assembly defect and activation of mitochondrial protein quality control. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 2021, 1867, 8, s.nestránkováno. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2021.166147
Skálová, T.; Lengálová, A.; Dohnálek, J.; Harlos, K.; Mihalčin, P.; Kolenko, P.; Stráňava, M.; Bláha, J.; Shimizu, T.; Martínková, M.; Disruption of the dimerization interface of the sensing domain in the dimeric heme-based oxygen sensor AfGcHK abolishes bacterial signal transduction. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020, 295, 6, s.1587-1597. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.011574
Dedíková, A.; Bárta, F.; Martínek, V.; Kotalík, K.; Dušková, Š.; Mráz, J.; Arlt, VM.; Stiborová, M.; Hodek, P.; In vivo metabolism of aristolochic acid I and II in rats is influenced by their co-exposure. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2020, 33, 11, s.2804-2818. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00198
Shimizu T., Lengalova A., Martínek V., Martínková M. (2019) Heme: Emergent roles of heme in signal transduction, functional regulation and as catalytic centres, Chem. Soc. Rev. in press
Lengalova A., Fojtikova-Proskova V, Vavra J, Martínek V, Stranava M, Shimizu T, Martinkova M (2019) Kinetic Analysis of a Globin-Coupled Diguanylate Cyclase, YddV: Effects of Heme Iron Redox State, Axial Ligands, and Heme Distal Mutations on Catalysis, J Inorg Biochem, 201: 110833.
Indra, R.; Černá, T.; Heger, Z.; Hraběta, J.; Wilhelm, M.; Dostalova, S.; Lengálová, A.; Martínková, M.; Adam, V.; Eckschlager, T.; Schmeiser, HH.; Arlt, VM.; Stiborová, M.; Ellipticine-loaded apoferritin nanocarrier retains DNA adduct-based cytochrome P450-facilitated toxicity in neuroblastoma cells. Toxicology, 2019, 419, May, s.40-54. DOI: 10.1016/j.tox.2019.03.009
Indra R, Pompach P, Martinek V, Takacsova P, Vavrova K, Heger Z, Adam V, Eckschlager T, Kopeckova K, Arlt VM, Stiborova M: Identification of human enzymes oxidizing anti-thyroid-cancer drug vandetanib and explanation of the high efficiency of cytochrome P450 3A4 in the oxidative reaction. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(14): 3392, (2019).
Stiborová M, Dračínská H, Bořek-Dohalská L, Klusoňová Z, Holecová J, Martínková M, Schmeiser HH, Arlt VM (2018) Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors 17alpha-Ethinylestradiol and Estradiol Influences Cytochrome P450 1A1-Mediated Genotoxicity of Benzo[a]Pyrene and Expression of This Enzyme in Rats, Toxicology, 400–401: 48–56
Stranava M, Man P, Skálová T, Kolenko P, Blaha J, Fojtikova V, Martínek V, Dohnálek J, Lengalova A, Rosůlek M, Shimizu T, Martinkova M (2017) Coordination and redox state-dependent structural changes of the heme-based oxygen sensor AfGcHK associated with intraprotein signal transduction, J Biol Chem, 292: 20921-20935
Mináriková M, Fojtikova V, Vyskočilová E, Sedláček J, Šikut M, Borek-Dohalska L, Stiborová M, Martinkova M (2017) The capacity and effectiveness of diosmectite and charcoal in trapping the compounds causing the most frequent intoxications in acute medicine: a comparative study, Environ Toxicol Phar 52: 214-220
Fojtikova V, Bartosova M, Man P, Stranava M, Shimizu T, Martinkova M (2016) Effects of hydrogen sulfide on the heme coordination structure and catalytic activity of the globin-coupled oxygen sensor AfGcHK, Biometals 29: 715-729
Stranava M, Martinek V, Man P, Fojtikova V, Kavan D, Vaněk O, Shimizu T, Martinkova M (2016) Structural Characterization of the Heme-based Oxygen Sensor, AfGcHK, its Interactions with the Cognate Response Regulator, and their Combined Mechanism of Action in a Bacterial Two-component Signaling System. Proteins, 84: 1375-89
Kuipers K, Gallay C, Martínek V, Rohde M, Martínková M, van der Beek SL, Jong WS, Venselaar H, Zomer A, Bootsma H, Veening JW, de Jonge MI (2016) Highly conserved nucleotide phosphatase essential for membrane lipid homeostasis in Streptococcus pneumoniae. Mol Microbiol 101: 12-26
Lambry J-Ch, Stranava M, Lobato L, Martinkova M, Shimizu T, Liebl U, Vos MH (2016) Ultrafast Spectroscopy Evidence for Picosecond Ligand Exchange at the Binding Site of a Heme Protein: Heme-based Sensor YddV. J Phys Chem Lett 7: 69–74
Fojtikova V, Stranava M, Vos M H, Liebl U, Hraníček J, Kitanishi K, Shimizu T, Martinkova M (2015) Kinetic Analysis of a Globin-coupled Histidine Kinase, AfGcHK: Effects of the Heme Iron Complex, Response Regulator and Metal Cations on Autophosphorylation Activity. Biochemistry 54: 5017–5029
Pavlou A, Martínková M, Shimizu T, Kitanishi K, Stranava M, Loullis A, Pinakoulaki E (2015) Probing the ligand recognition and discrimination environment of the globin-coupled oxygen sensor protein YddV by FTIR and time-resolved step-scan FTIR spectroscop.Phys Chem Chem Phys 17: 17007-17015
Yan F, Fojtikova V, Man P, Stráňava M, Martínková M, Du Y, Huang D, Shimizu T (2015) Catalytic Enhancement of the Heme-based Oxygen-Sensing Phosphodiesterase EcDOS by Hydrogen Sulfide Is Caused by Changes in Heme Coordination Structure, BioMetals 28: 637-652
Shimizu T, Yan F, Huang D, Stráňava M, Bartošová M, Fojtíková V, Martínková M (2015) Molecular Characteristics of Heme-based Gas (O2, NO and CO) Sensors. Chem Rev 115: 6491−6533
Anzenbacher P, Marchal S, Palacký J, Anzenbacherová E, Domaschke T, Lange R, Shimizu T, Kitanishi K, Stranava M, Stiborová M, Martinkova M (2014) Pressure effects reveal that heme iron-redox change significantly affects the protein flexibility of the heme domains of heme-based oxygen sensors, Ec DOS and YddV. FEBS J 281: 5208–5219
Stranava M, Martínková M, Stiborová M, Man P, Kitanishi K, Muchová L, Vítek L, Martínek V, Shimizu T (2014) Introduction of water into the heme distal side by Leu65 mutations of an oxygen sensor, YddV, generates verdoheme and carbon monoxide, exerting the heme oxygenase reaction. J Inorg Biochem 140: 29-38
Academic Partners
Laboratory of Pediatric Infect. Diseases, Nijmegen, Netherlands (Marien de Jonge – microbiology)
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France (Marten Vos and Ursula Liebl – ultrafast spectroscopy)
Cyprus University of Technology, Limessol and University of Cypru, Nicosia, Cyprus (Constantinos Varotsis and Eftychia Pinakoulaki – FTIR and Raman spectroscopy)
BIOCEV, Vestec, Czech Republic (Petr Pompach – mass spectrometry)
Industry and commercial sphere
PSEN Pharma, os. (France, 2014 – 2015)
BEDO (Thailand, 2015 – 2016)
Xheal, Nijmegen (Netherlands, 2020 – 2025)
Offered/Supervised/Defended theses