Seminars take place every Tuesday from 3 to 4:30 PM. If allowed by presenters, the PDFs of talks will be shared later, but presentations will not be streamed live online (except when the Department of Zoology joins, as the large lecture room is out of order during the whole winter term). Note that locations of seminars vary.

If not specified otherwise, the primary language of all seminars is English.

For further information contact Tereza Petrusková (

  • February 18
    Presentation of Bc students (B2P lecture room)
  • February 25
    Presentation of Bc students (B2P lecture room)
  • March 4
    Presentations of 1st year MSc students (B2P lecture room)
  • March 11
    Presentations of 1st year MSc students (B2P lecture room)
  • March 18
    Anna Sulikowska-Drozd
    (Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology, University of Łódź, Poland) Door-snails (Clausiliidae) - conservative shell shape but diversity of reproductive strategies (with part of Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room)
  • March 25
    Presentation of PhD & MSc students (B2P lecture room)
  • April 1
    Linda Weiss (Dept. of Animal Ecology, Evolution & Biodiversity Ruhr- University Bochum, Germany) From Chemoreceptors to Morphology: How Daphnia Defends Against Predators (with part of Dept. of Zoology; B312 lecture room)
  • April 8
    Kateřina Kopalová &Petr Jan Juračka (Dept. of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University) Antarctica: Looking for diatoms with one crazy photographer (with Dept of Botany; Krajinova lecture room)
  • April 15
    - seminar of the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics
    (with Departments of Zoology and Botany; Velká zoologická lecture room)
  • April 22
    Jörn Gerchen
    (Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University) Sex chromosome evolution in the plant genus Mercurialis (with Dept of Botany; Krajinova lecture room)
  • April 29
    Dean’s Day – no seminar
  • May 5
    Rodrigo Camara Leret
    (Dept. od Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich, Switzerland) Cultural dimensions of biodiversity (with part of Dept. of Botany; Krajinova lecture room)

February 18 - Presentation of Bc students (B2P lecture room)

  • Matěj Tvarůžka: Ecology and evolution of secondary sympatry in birds (in English)
  • Filip Križan: Adaptívne radiácie a dynamika evolúcie znakov u vtákov
  • Jáchym Kořínek: Biodiverzita dočasných vod v bývalých vojenských prostorech
  • Barbora Pudlovská: Mikroklimatické poměry v různých typech mokřadní vegetace
  • Šárka Byronová: Ekologické dopady invazních outsiderů Nového Zélandu
  • Kateřina Malá: Role mezidruhové konkurence v geografické distribuci suchozemských obratlovců
  • Klaar Stratil: Role pohlavní reverze v evoluci způsobů určení pohlaví u obratlovců
  • Marek Muller: Význam liniových biotopů podél infrastruktury pro biodiverzitu
  • Lucie Strakošová: The potential of urban green spaces in mitigating climate change (in English)

February 25- Presentation of Bc students (B2P lecture room)

  • Lukáš Pytela: Pohlavní dichromatismus gekonů a jeho evoluce v čeledi Sphaerodactylidae
  • Anna Soukupová: Vážky jako deštníkové druhy v ochraně přírody
  • Barbora Lahovská: Faktory určující diverzitu společenstva zooplanktonu ve vodách rašelinišť
  • Tomáš Hlaváček: Stanovení nejvhodnějších modelů vyhodnocení velikosti populace dravých ryb na základě zpětného odchytu v systému uzavřené vodní plochy
  • Klára Petrová: Beta-diversity patterns of birds across elevational gradients (in English)
  • Ema Kučerová: Co stojí za úspěchem invazních rybovitých obratlovců v evropských mořích?
  • Matěj Vostrčil: Typologie a složení komunit Fe2+ oxidujích bakterii
  • Klára Chalupová: Microbial communities and their adaptations for life in permanently frozen lakes. (in English)
  • Anna Marie Borková: Predator-prey interactions and alternative prey hypothesis - a comparative insight from the Arctic (in English)

March 4- Presentation of MSc & Bc students (B2P lecture room)

  • Simon Duff: What determines intraspecific distribution-abundance relationships in Czech waterbirds?
  • Anna Tomčíková: Should we farm fish to support bird diversity? The conservation value of freshwater fishponds for waterbirds (bachelor thesis)
  • Bianka Matisová: Vapor pressure deficit in broadleaf forest understory: landscape-scale variability, its drivers and effects on vegetation
  • Magdalena Povejšilová: How clouds and climate limit avian distributions along a tropical elevation
  • Anaïs Ariadne Dix: Insight into osmotic adaptation in gobies of the Pomatoschistus lineage (Gobiiformes: Oxudercidae)

March 11- Presentation of MSc students (B2P lecture room)

  • Štěpán Jíra: The influence of socioeconomic conditions on urban bird communities: patterns along a transect from Eastern to Western Europe
  • Schätz Filip: Circadian activity of insects in Afrotropical rainforest undergrowth
  • Leštinová Eliška: Behavioral changes in red deer (Cervus elaphus) after the return of an apex predator
  • Klára Koritenská: Seasonal dynamics of snow algae from the genus Chloromonas (Chlorophyceae)
  • Matylda Winterová: Protandry in migratory birds – test of selected hypotheses using tracking of full annual cycles

March 25 - Presentations of MSc and PhD students (B2P lecture room)

  • Tereza Kočárková (3rd year PhD): Plant-pollinator interactions along a latitudinal gradient
  • Atakan Pipilos (1st year PhD): Mitigating impact of crayfish plague: exploring markers of Aphanomyces astaci pathogenicity, host resistance, and impact of natural enemies
  • Keleher Jeremy Kordela (1stMSc): Environmental DNA detection of crayfish and their pathogen in catchments recently affected by crayfish plague outbreaks

Seminar of the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics
Summer Semester 2025

(presentation of “junior“ team members of UNCE SCI/006 and their research; joint seminar of the departments of ecology, botany and zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University)

Tuesday, 15 April 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM
Great Zoology lecture hall, Viničná 7

  • Stephen Schlebusch (Dept. of Zoology): Evolution of the germline-restricted chromosome in closely related songbirds
  • Rebeka Rmoutilová (Dept. of Anthropology and Human Genetics): Morphology of Neandertals and early modern humans
  • Lenka Procházková (Dept. of Ecology): Glacier ice and snow algae: ecophysiology and biodiversity
  • Lenka Dvořáková (Institute for Environmental Studies): Bird biodiversity conservaton in non-forest woody vegetation of Central Europe