Seminars take place every Tuesday from 15.00 to 16.30. If allowed by presenters, the PDFs of talks will be shared later, but presentations will not be streamed live online.
Seminars traditionally take place in the B2P seminar room (Viničná 7, 2nd floor, attic). Joint seminars of more departments in Velká zoologická lecture room (Viničná 7, 2nd floor), Krajinova lecture room (Benátská 2, 2nd floor) or Entomologie lecture room (Viničná 7, 1st floor, B121). If not specified, the primary language of all seminars is English.
For further information contact Tereza Petrusková (
- February 20
Introductory seminar (B2P lecture room)
Constantinos Charalambous (3rd year PhD presentation) Investigating the relationship between the spatial distribution and resource use of birds at population level.
Petr Chlup (2nd year MSc presentation) Relationships between floral traits and specialization of pollination systems in tropical forests of Mount Cameroon. - February 27
Presentations of BSc students, in Czech (B2P lecture room) - March 5
Presentations of BSc students, in Czech (B2P lecture room) - March 12
Presentations of BSc students, in Czech (B2P lecture room) - March 19
Alfredo Sanchez Tojar (Bielefeld University, Germany) Are meta-analyses worth the hassle? TL;DR: It depends. (with Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room) - March 26
Presentations of 1st year MSc students (B2P lecture room) - April 2
Anna Runemark (Lund University, Sweden) The genetic architecture of hybridization and adaptation in sparrows and flies. (with Depts. of Botany & Zoology; Krajinova lecture room) - April 9
Presentations of 1st year MSc students (B2P lecture room) - April 16
Barbora Černá Bolfiková (Czech University of Life Sciences ; Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences) Genomic analyses reveal poaching hotspots and illegal trade in pangolins from Africa to Asia. (with Dept. of Zoology; Velká zoologická lecture room) - April 23
Jiří Kopáček (Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS, České Budějovice) Long-term trends in water composition and their changes after a forest disturbance in an unmanaged mountain catchment. (B2P lecture room) - April 30
UNCE - seminar of the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (with Depts. of Zoology and Botany; Velká zoologická lecture room) - May 7
Emily Chen (Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) Life at both edges of the globe: Bipolarity concept tested on pelagic ostracods. (B2P lecture room)
February 27 - Presentations of Bsc students (B2P lecture room)
Tereza Srpová: Výjimky z pozitivního vztahu mezi druhovou rozmanitostí a heterogenitou prostředí
Lucia Karasová: Populačné trendy mokraďových vtákov v Európe
Ondřej Bufka: Estetická hodnota heterogenity prostředí
Matylda Winterová: Protandrie – hypotézy rozdílného načasování tahu samců a samic ve světle celoročního sledování tažných ptáků
Kateřina Kubelková: Effect of pesticides on ecology and communities of butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Ondřej Beneš: Hory jako hotspoty ptačí biodiverzity: srovnání mezi regiony
Linda Votrubová: Ecology of invertebrates on the glacier surface
March 5- Presentations of Bsc students (B2P lecture room)
Václav Jůzek: Vliv klimatických změn a stavu povodí na zotavování zooplanktonu z acidifikace
Anaïs Dix: Mechanisms of osmotic adaptation in fishes
Julie Komárková: Food webs of glacier fed streams
Eliška Leštinová: Účelnost ekoduktů pro zprůchodnění krajiny fragmentované dálniční sítí
Adam Chawner: Aquatic insects versus fish: adaptations to fish predation
Eliška Prislingerová: Kryptická diverzita a ekologické rozdíly v rámci druhových komplexů u vybraných skupin sladkovodního makrozoobentosu
Adéla Nguyen: Antipredační strategie litorálních perlooček
Adéla Linková: Vliv kvality a rozsahu litorální zóny stojatých vod na společenstva zooplanktonu
March 12- Presentations of BSc students (B2P lecture room)
Barbora Klečková: Faktory ovlivňující výskyt perlooček Daphnia ambigua a Daphnia parvula
Petra Kopková: Indikátory kvality ptačích jedinců
Lukrecia Zemanová: Mezidruhová kompetice mezi tažnými a rezidentními druhy na afrických zimovištích
Adéla Cibulková: Mikrobiální společenstva ve sněhu: struktura a interakce
Klára Koritenská: Diverzita, rozšíření a ekologie nivikolních hlenek
Tereza Kalavská: Vizuální orientace vážek v prostoru - využití polarizovaného světla
Luboš Kostečka: Vliv mravenců na půdu napříč biomy
Jakub Hrouda: Tažní živočichové v urbánním prostředí: adaptace, limitace a implikace pro populace
Ervín Perthen: Globální změna klimatu a změny rozšíření a fenologie vážek (Odonata)
March 23 - Presentations of MSc students (B2P lecture room)
Jakub Hořejší: Microsporidia parasite prevalence and diversity in syntopic Gammarus lineages along anthropogenic pressure gradient
Tileuzhan Smagul: Use of the isotropic fractionator for assessment of neuron numbers in intraspecific studies: Implications for ecology and evolution of selected vertebrate species
Dawn Mohammed: Critically endangered geckos: ex situ conservation, genome size and karyotype evolution
Andrej Petr: Legacy effect of environmental characteristics before wildfire on succession of post-fire soil microbial communities
J. Emmanuel: Relationship between body size, cell size, genome size and developmental rate in geckos
Alexandre Bruxelles: Who likes candies? The evolution of sugar consumption in geckos
April 9 - Presentations of MSc students (B2P lecture room)
Lucia Tribulová: Did semi-troglobiotic fish of the genus Telestes (Cypriniformes: Leuciscidae) undergo convergent evolution?
Julie Sládečková: Exploration or habituation? Behavioural response of Gnathonemus petersii to novel environment
Radka Sobotková: Phylogeography and genetic diversity of the populations of Gobius paganellus (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae)
Julie Bakovská: Bee preferences for floral traits and floral rewards in a temperate Central European grassland
Aleksandra Zimnoch: Seasonality and growth of microscopic algae and cyanobacteria in laboratory conditions
Dimitrios Tsioutsiourigas: Acoustic monitoring of several endangered species in Europe
František Severa: Changes in stream diatom communities over a flow year in the Austrian Alps.
April 30 - Seminar of the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics
(Velká zoologická lecture room)
(presentation of “junior“ team members of UNCE SCI/006 and their research; joint seminar of the departments of ecology, botany and zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University)
Anna Tószögyová (Center for Theoretical Study): Geometric causes of species rarity
František Sklenář (Dept. of Botany): Species delimitation in Aspergillus
Michael Mikát (Dept. of Zoology): Evolution of parental care and sociality in small carpenter bees (Ceratina)
Vojtěch Brlík (Dept. of Ecology): Isotopic maps and their application in movement ecology of birds