Laboratory of Developmental Biology

Head: doc. Ing. RNDr. Vladimir Krylov, Ph.D., RNDr. Tereza Tlapakova, Ph.D.

In an explosively developing field, the laboratory focused on a genetic and genomic approach to embryology in Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis. In our laboratory we established a culture of Sertoli cell progenitors from the testes of Xenopus tropicalis, in which we study their regenerative potential after injury of juvenile and adult tissues (tadpole tail and adult heart). In cooperation with the Laboratory of Immunoregulations (Assoc. prof. Magdalena Krulová), we also focus on their immunomodulatory abilities towards suppression of the inflammatory response and induction of regenerative processes. We also study the differentiation potential of these stem cells and the ability to form 3D organoids of seminiferous tubules in vitro. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), we try to contribute to the knowledge of chromosomal evolution in African pipid frogs employing the diploid species Xenopus tropicalis and polyploid species of the genera Silurana and Xenopus. Last but not least, our group (in cooperation with the Institute of Rheumatology at the 1st Faculty of Medicine) also studies uric acid transport proteins and the influence of human allelic variants on their function.



Adipogenic, chondrogenic and osteogenic diferentiation of mice Sertolli cells (mSCs).



Karyotype and tyramide FISH of Xenopus tropicalis chromosomes.


Microinjection of  XTSSC RFP cells into dorsal vein of X.tropicalis tadpole.



Laboratory: Vinicna 7, ground floor left, No.40 and 45


Head of the laboratory:

Krylov Vladimir (Doc.Ing. RNDr., Ph.D.) – (PI) 

V7/P40; +420 22195 1773;

Tlapakova Tereza (RNDr.,Ph.D) (Co-PI) 

V7/P40; +420 22195 1773;



Knytl Martin (Ing., Ph.D.) - now in Canada

V7/P40; +420 22195 1773;

PhD students:

Fornaini Nicola Reinaldo (Dr.); V7/P45; +420 22195 1798;

Zhao Qing (MSc.); V7/P45; +420 22195 1798;

Bergelová Barbora (Msc.); V7/P45; +420 22195 1798;

Pleváková (Hynková) Marie (Msc.); V7/P45; +420 22195 1798;

MSc students:

Novotná Jana (Bc.) - Email:

Bachelor student:

Zuzana Elizabeth Losová


Vávra Jiří (Ing. Mgr.) - Contact: V7/P40, +420 22195 1773,



Publications 2024:

Porubska B, Plevakova M, Fikarova N, Vasek D, Somova V, Sanovec O, Simonik O, Komrskova K, Krylov V, Tlapakova T, Krulova M. (2024) Therapeutic potential of Sertoli cells in vivo: alleviation of acute inflammation and improvement of sperm quality. Stem Cell Res Ther 15(1):282. doi: 10.1186/s13287-024-03897-9. IF 20237.1

Fornaini NR, Černohorská H, do Vale Martins L, Knytl M. (2024) Cytogenetic Analysis of the Fish Genus Carassius Indicates Divergence, Fission, and Segmental Duplication as Drivers of Tandem Repeat and Microchromosome Evolution. Genome Biol Evol 16(3):evae028. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evae028. IF 2023 = 3.1 

Dias S, Souza RC, Vasconcelos EV, Vasconcelos S, da Silva Oliveira AR, do Vale, Martins L, de Oliveira Bustamante F, da Costa VA, Souza G, da Costa AF, Benko-Iseppon AM, Knytl M, Brasileiro-Vidal AC. (2024) Cytomolecular diversity among Vigna Savi (Leguminosae) subgenera. Protoplasma 261(5):859-875. doi: 10.1007/s00709-024-01944-z. IF 2023 = 2.5

Kuhl H, Tan WH, Klopp C, Kleiner W, Koyun B, Ciorpac M, Feron R, Knytl M, Kloas W, Schartl M, Winkler C, Stöck M. (2024) A candidate sex determination locus in amphibians which evolved by structural variation between X- and Y-chromosomes. Nat Commun 15(1):4781. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-49025-2. IF 2023 = 14.7

Vávra J, Pavelcová K, Mašínová J, Hasíková L, Bubeníková E, Urbanová A, Mančíková A, Stibůrková B. (2024) Examining the Association of Rare Allelic Variants in Urate Transporters SLC22A11, SLC22A13, and SLC17A1 with Hyperuricemia and Gout. Dis Markers 2024:5930566. doi: 10.1155/2024/5930566. IF 2023 = 3.464


Publications 2023:

Fornaini NR, Bergelová B, Gvoždík V, Černohorská H, Krylov V, Kubíčková S, Fokam EB, Badjedjea G, Evans BJ, Knytl M. (2023) Consequences of polyploidy and divergence as revealed by cytogenetic mapping of tandem repeats in African clawed frogs (Xenopus, Pipidae). Eur J Wildl Res 69(4):81. doi: 10.1007/s10344-
023-01709-8. IF 2023  = 1.8

Knytl M, Fornaini NR, Bergelová B, Gvoždík V, Černohorská H, Kubíčková S, Fokam EB, Evans BJ, Krylov V. (2023) Divergent subgenome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus calcaratus. Gene 851:146974. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2022.146974. IF 2023  = 2.6

Daniel P, Balušíková K, Václavíková R, Šeborová K, Ransdorfová Š, Valeriánová M, Wei L, Jelínek M, Tlapáková T, Fleischer T, Kristensen VN, Souček P, Ojima I, Kovář J. (2023) ABCB1 Amplicon Contains Cyclic AMP Response Element-Driven TRIP6 Gene in Taxane-Resistant MCF-7 Breast Cancer Sublines. Genes (Basel) 14(2):296. doi: 10.3390/genes14020296. IF 2023  = 2.8

Publications 2022:

Knytl M, Forsythe A, Kalous L. (2022) A Fish of Multiple Faces, Which Show Us Enigmatic and Incredible Phenomena in Nature: Biology and Cytogenetics of the Genus Carassius. Int J Mol Sci 23(15):8095. doi: 10.3390/ijms23158095. IF 2022  = 5.6

Vávra J, Mančíková A, Pavelcová K, Hasíková L, Bohatá J, Stibůrková B. (2022). Functional Characterization of Rare Variants in OAT1/SLC22A6 and OAT3/SLC22A8 Urate Transporters Identified in a Gout and Hyperuricemia Cohort. Cells 11(7):1063. doi: 10.3390/cells11071063. IF 2022  = 6.0

Vegrichtova M, Hajkova M, Porubska B, Vasek D, Krylov V, Tlapakova T, Krulova M. (2022) Xenogeneic Sertoli cells modulate immune response in an evolutionary distant mouse model through the production of interleukin-10 and PD-1 ligands expression. Xenotransplantation 29(3):e12742. doi: 10.1111/xen.12742. IF 2022  = 3.9

Elsnicova B, Hornikova D, Tibenska V, Kolar D, Tlapakova T, Schmid B, Mallek M,Eggers B, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Peeva V, Berwanger C, Eberhard B, Durmuş H,Schultheis D, Holtzhausen C, Schork K, Marcus K, Jordan J, Lücke T, van der Ven PFM, Schröder R, Clemen CS, Zurmanova JM. (2022) Desmin Knock-Out Cardiomyopathy: A Heart on the Verge of Metabolic Crisis. Int J Mol Sci 23(19):12020. doi: 10.3390/ijms231912020. IF 2022  = 5.6

Publications 2021:

Porubska B, Vasek D, Somova V, Hajkova M, Hlaviznova M, Tlapakova T, Holan V, Krulova M. (2021) Sertoli Cells Possess Immunomodulatory Properties and the Ability of Mitochondrial Transfer Similar to Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Stem Cell Rev Rep. 17(5):1905-1916. doi: 10.1007/s12015-021-10197-9. IF 2021  = 6.692

Knytl M, Fornaini NR. (2021) Measurement of Chromosomal Arms and FISH Reveal Complex Genome Architecture and Standardized Karyotype of Model Fish, Genus Carassius. Cells 10(9):2343. doi: 10.3390/cells10092343. IF 2021  = 7.666

Song XY, Furman BLS, Premachandra T, Knytl M, Cauret CMS, Wasonga DV, Measey J, Dworkin I, Evans BJ. (2021) Sex chromosome degeneration, turnover and sex-biased expression of sex-linked transcripts in African clawed frogs (Xenopus). Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 376(1832):20200095. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0095. IF 2021  = 6.671

Targueta CP, Krylov V, Nondilo TE, Lima J, Lourenço LB. (2021) Sex chromosome evolution in frogs-helpful insights from chromosome painting in the genus Engystomops. Heredity (Edinb) 126(3):396-409. doi: 10.1038/s41437-020-00385-7. IF 2021  = 3.832

Publications 2020:

Sember A, Pelikanova S, de Bello Cioffi M, Slechtova V, Hatanaka T, Do Doan H, Knytl M, Rab P (2020) Taxonomic diversity not associated with gross karyotype differentiation: The case of bighead carps, genus Hypophthalmichthys (Teleostei, Cypriniformes, Xenocyprididae). Genes 11(5):479 IF2019 = 3.759.

Cauret CMS, Gansauge MT, Tupper AS, Furman BLS, Knytl M, Song XY, Greenbaum E, Meyer M, Evans BJ (2020) Developmental systems drift and the drivers of sex chromosome evolution. Mol Biol Evol 37(3):799-810. IF2019 = 11.062.

Furman BLS, Cauret CMS, Knytl M, Song XY, Pramachandra T, Ofori-Boateeng C, Jordan DC, Horb ME, Evans BJ (2020) A frog with three sex chromosomes that co-mingle together in nature: Xenopus tropicalis has a degenerate W and a Y that evolved from a Z chromosome. PLoS Genet. PLoS Genet 16(11): e1009121. IF2019 = 5.174.

Svaton M, Skvarova Kramarzova K, Kanderova V, Mancikova A, Smisek P, Jesina P, Krijt J, Stiburkova B, Dobrovolny R, Sokolova J, Bakardjieva-Mihaylova V, Vodickova E, Rackova M, Stuchly J, Kalina T, Stary J, Trka J, Fronkova E, Kozich V (2020). A homozygous deletion in the SLC19A1 gene as a cause of folate-dependent recurrent megaloblastic anemia. Blood. 135(26):2427-2431. DOI: 10.1182/blood.2019003178. IF2019 = 17.794.

Publications 2019:

Nguyen TXMVegrichtova MTlapakova T, Krulova M, Krylov V. (2019) Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Promotes the Differentiation Potential of Xenopus tropicalis Immature Sertoli Cells. Stem Cells Int 5, 8387478 (IF 3.989).

Nguyen TXMVegrichtova MTlapakova T, Krulova M, Krylov V. (2019) The interconnection between cytokeratin and cell membrane-bound β-catenin in Sertoli cells derived from juvenile Xenopus tropicalis testes. Biology open, submitted (IF 2.217).

Stiburkova B, Bohata J, Minarikova I, Mancikova AVavra JKrylov V, Doležel Z. (2019) Clinical and Functional Characterization of a Novel URAT1 Dysfunctional Variant in a Pediatric Patient with Renal Hypouricemia. Appl Sci 9, 3479 (IF 2,217).

Toyoda Y, Mančíková AKrylov V, Morimoto K, Pavelcová K, Bohatá J, Pavelka K, Pavlíková M, Suzuki H, Matsuo H, Takada T, Stiburkova B. (2019) Functional Characterization of Clinically-Relevant Rare Variants in ABCG2 Identified in a Gout and Hyperuricemia Cohort. Cells 8(4) (IF 4.829)

Seroussi E, Knytl M, Pitel F, Elleder D, Krylov V, Leroux S, Morisson M, Yosefi S, Miyara S, Ganesan S, Ruzal M, Andersson L, Friedman-Einat M. (2019) Avian expression patterns and genomic mapping implicate leptin in digestion and TNF in immunity suggesting that their interacting adipokine role has been acquired only in mammals. Int J Mol Sci 20, 4489 (IF = 4,183).

Petelak A.Krylov V. (2019) Surface sperm cell ubiquitination directly impaired blastocyst formation rate after intracytoplasmic sperm injection in pig. Theriogenology 135, 115-120 (IF 2.136).

Targueta CP, Krylov V, Nondilo TE, Lima J,  Lourenço LB. Sex chromosome evolution in frogs – helpful insights from chromosome painting in the genus Engystomops. Heredity, submitted. (IF 3.872).