General Information for students in all study levels

The Details about the interruption of study are set out in article 6 of the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University and article 14 of Rules of Study at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. The information detailed below is of additional and practical nature.

A written request of an interruption of study is required. The request can be brought to the study officer in person during office hours or sent via post to the address of the student affairs division or to the data box of a natural person.

It is recommended to state the expected end date of the interruption in the request (the study period needs to be interrupted for the length of at least one term). If the student has not included the end date of interruption of study in their request, the study period will automatically be interrupted until the end of the maximum length of study. If the study period is interrupted until the maximum length of study period and the person wants to continue with their studies, it is necessary to submit a request to terminate the interruption of study.

The interruption starts on the day the decision of interruption of study comes into force legally or on a later date stated in the decision. The decision comes into force legally 30 days from the date it was delivered to the addressee; from this, it follows that if the student requires the interruption of study from a certain date, it is necessary to submit the request for interruption at least 2 months prior to this date.

The person loses their student status during the period of interruption of study.

By terminating the interruption of study, the person gains the right to re-enrolment in the period written in the decision of interruption. If the person does not attend the re-enrolment, they will receive a written call to re-enrol on an alternative enrolment date stated in the call. If the person does not re-enrol on this alternative date, their studies will be permanently terminated on the day of the alternative enrolment date.

In case of interruption of study on the grounds of on the grounds of pregnancy, delivery, or parental care, for the purpose of providing substitute parental care, or serious health condition, the period of interruption will not be counted towards the total length of interruption of study or towards the maximum length of study period. An interruption for any other reason than the ones stated above will be counted towards the maximum length of study period.


Interruption of Study on the grounds of pregnancy, delivery, or parental care

In case of pregnancy, parental care, or substitute parental care, it is recommended that the student first enters the period of parenthood into SIS.


The specifics of interruption of study in bachelor’s and master’s programmes

With the exception of very serious –  namely medical reasons –  for the proposed interruption, the earliest time at which the study period can be interrupted is after meeting the conditions required to enrol in the second year of study.

The written request (see: the general request form) has to include the reason for the interruption and the date of termination of the interruption. Evidence which attests to the reason for the interruption has to be attached to request for interruption if the interruption is for any reason other than the fulfilment of the conditions needed to enter the subsequent unit of study.

The specifics of interruption of study in doctoral programmes

It is not possible to interrupt the study period during the time in which the assessment of the individual study plan is taking place. The dates of the assessment for the given academic year are detailed in the academic calendar.

The request (see the general request form) always has to include the reason for the interruption and the date of the termination of interruption. We recommend that the student informs their supervisor about their decision to interrupt their studies.