Students should get all the important information from their supervisor and discuss all the matters with them. This material only summarizes the main topics regarding publications in order to prevent complications. Following the guidelines will help you not only with publication itself, but also later with reporting and exporting in your individual study plan (ISP). In case you still have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the OBD administrator of your department or the respective faculty administrator.

  1. affiliation – full, including name of your department
    – correct (following the given Dean’s measure)

  2. identificators – it is recommended to publish using ORCID (create one and include it in all your publications)

  3. state correctly all the funding (grant numbers)

  4. choosing a journal (consider the ranking – quartiles; other requirements – e. g. according to the funding provider, whether you need Open Access, Open Data)

  5. use of data – data management plan (DMP), making the data available etc.

  6. reporting and registering – know the administrator of OBD of your department (link to the list + discuss the process with

  7. ISP / SIS (take care of this ahead of time, inform your OBD administrator)



Always state your complete affiliation including name of your department in the correct way according to Dean’s Measure no. 2/2018: On publications and register of scientific results, innovations and other productive activities, article 3, paragraph 3:

The affiliation must include the following text: “Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta“ in Czech or “Charles University, Faculty of Science“ in English, or eventually a shorter version “PřF UK“ in Czech or “Charles Univ, Fac Sci“ in English. The affiliation should also include the name of the department (the correct Czech and English names of the departments are stipulated by the rules for the internal governance of the faculty, published in a respective Dean’s measure).

– The updated list of the Czech and English department names are at this link: 
OD 2021-34 Příloha č. 3: České a anglické názvy organizačních součástí

– The students who work on their thesis research at other institutions as well (typically at the Academy of Science) are advised to state also the affiliation to the Faculty of Science. If it is not possible, please inform the OBD administrator of your department as soon as possible so they can insert such publication in the system in time.



It is recommended to publish with ORCID (to create one and to include it in all your publications) – it makes the identification of the author easier.

Detailed information about the identificators is at this link:



It is very important to state correctly all the funding used (i. e. for example grant numbers). Make sure the grant numbers are correct and without typos (state the grant number, not the application number).



When choosing a journal, consider different publication requirements – for instance the ranking (quartiles), grant requirements, whether you need Open Access, whether you need to provide your data etc.





You need to know the OBD administrator (manager) of your department (the list is here: and discuss with them how to register your publications.

You do not need to know all the steps ahead – you can ask your OBD administrator for help. You also need to ask the OBD administrator if you should register your publication by yourself or if they will do it instead. But first, talk to your supervisor and discuss all the publication process with them.


7. ISP / SIS

Students who report their publications within the individual study plan (ISP) in SIS (Student information system) need to do so ahead of time and inform their OBD administrator (see the previous paragraph) – this is extremely important especially when your affiliation to the Faculty of Science is not stated in the article, but you still need it registered in the OBD system.