



Environmental Sciences

Section Biology
Hora M., Pontzer H., Wall-Scheffler C., Sládek V. (2020): Dehydration and persistence hunting in Homo erectus. Journal of Human Evolution 138: 102682.
Čmoková A., Kolařík M., Dobiáš R., Hoyer L.L., Janouškovcová H., Kano R., Kuklová I., Lysková P., Machová L., Maier T., Mallátová N., Man M., Mencl K., Nenoff P., Peano A., Prausová H., Stubbe D., Uhrlaß S., Větrovský T., Wiegand C., Hubka V. (2020: Resolving the taxonomy of emerging zoonotic pathogens in the Trichophyton benhamiae complex. Fungal Diversity 104: 333–387.
Marković V., Cvrčková F., Potocký M., Kulich I., Pejchar P., Kollárová E., Synek L., Žárský V. (2020): EXO70A2 is critical for exocyst complex function in pollen development. Plant Physiology 184: 1823-1839.
Maršíková J., Pavlíčková M., Wilkinson D., Váchová L., Hlaváček O., Hatáková L., Palková Z. (2020): The Whi2p-Psr1p/Psr2p complex regulates interference competition and expansion of cells with competitive advantage in yeast colonies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117: 15123-15131.
Gandalovičová A., Šůchová A.M., Čermák V., Merta L., Rösel D., Brábek J. (2020): Sustained inflammatory signalling through Stat1/Stat2/IRF9 is associated with amoeboid phenotype of melanoma cells. Cancers 12: 2450.
Kubištová A., Spišská V., Petrželková L., Hrubcová L., Moravcová S., Maierová L., Bendová Z. (2020): Constant light in critical postnatal days affects circadian rhythms in locomotion and gene expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, retina, and pineal gland later in life. Biomedicines 8: 579.
Le T., Žárský V., Nývltová E., Rada P., Harant K., Vancová M., Verner Z., Hrdý I., Tachezy J. (2020): Anaerobic peroxisomes in Mastigamoeba balamuthi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117: 2065-2075.
Stibal M., Bradley J.A., Edwards A., Hotaling S., Zawierucha K., Rosvold J., Lutz S., Cameron K.A., Mikucki J.A., Kohler T.J., Šabacká M., Anesio A.M. (2020): Glacial ecosystems are essential to understanding biodiversity responses to glacier retreat. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4: 686-687.
Rotterová J., Salomaki E., Pánek T., Bourland W., Žihala D., Táborský P., Edgcomb V.P., Beinart R.A., Kolísko M., Čepička I. (2020): Genomics of new ciliate lineages provides insight into the evolution of obligate anaerobiosis. Current Biology 30: 2037-2050.e6
Fialová J., Třebický V., Kuba R., Stella D., Binter J., Havlíček J. (2020): Losing stinks! The effect of competition outcome on body odour quality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 375: 20190267.

Pokorný P., Storch D. (Eds.): Antropocén. Academia, 2020, 660 str.
Podroužková Š., Ložek V., Juřičková L., Horáčková J., Beran L., Hlaváč J. (2020): Měkkýši Českého krasu / Molluscs of the Bohemian Karst. Příroda 40, Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR, 296 str.

Section Chemistry

Heard C. J., Grajciar L., Uhlík F., Shamzhy M., Opanasenko M., Čejka J., Nachtigall P. (2020): Zeolite (In)Stability under Aqueous or Steaming Conditions. Advanced Materials 32: 2003264.
Jana S., Uchman M. (2020): Poly(2-oxazoline)-based stimulus-responsive (Co)polymers: An overview of their design, solution properties, surface-chemistries and applications. Progress in Polymer Science 106: 101252.
Henrichs V., Gryčová L., Bařinka C., Nahácka Z., Neužil J., Diez S., Rohlena J., Braun M., Lánský Z. (2020): Mitochondria-adaptor TRAK1 promotes kinesin-1 driven transport in crowded environments. Nature Communications 11: 3123
Henke P., Dolanský J., Kubát, P., Mosinger J. (2020): Multifunctional Photosensitizing and Biotinylated Polystyrene Nanofiber Membranes/Composites for Binding of Biologically Active Compounds. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12: 18792-18802.
Leontovyčová H., Kalachova T., Janda M. (2020) Disrupted actin: a novel player in pathogen attack sensing? New Phytologist 227: 1605-1609
Opekar, F., Hraníček, J., Tůma, P. (2020): Rapid determination of majority cations in yoghurts using on-line connection of capillary electrophoresis with mini-dialysis. Food Chemistry 308: 125647.
Skalová Š., Langmaier J., Barek J., Vyskočil V., Navrátil T. (2020): Doxorubicin determination using two novel voltammetric approaches: A comparative study. Electrochimica Acta 330: 135180.
Kasireddy S. R., Míšek J., Nosek V., Tarallo, V. (2020): Development of a simple high-throughput assay for directed evolution of enantioselective sulfoxide reductases. Chemical Communications 56: 5386–5388.
Císařová I., Dočekal V., Petrželová S., Veselý J. (2020): Enantioselective Cyclopropanation of 4-Nitroisoxazole Derivatives. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 362: 2597–2603.
Pazderova L., David T., Hlinová V., Plutnar J., Kotek J., Lubal P., Kubíček V., Hermann P. (2020): Cross-Bridged Cyclam with Phosphonate and Phosphinate Pendant Arms: Chelators for Copper Radioisotopes with Fast Complexation. Inorganic Chemistry 59: 8432-8443.

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Section Geography

Hynčica M., Huth R.:  Modes of Atmospheric Circulation Variability in the Northern Extratropics: A Comparison of Five Reanalyses. Journal of Climate. 2020, 33 (24), 10707-10726.
Jeníček  M., Ledvinka O.: Importance of snowmelt contribution to seasonal runoff and summer low flows in Czechia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2020, 24 (7), 3475-3491.
Kučerová S. R. - Dvořák D., Meyer al.: Dimensions of centralization and decentralization in the rural educational landscape of post-socialist Czechia. Journal of Rural Studies. 2020, 74 (Feb), 280-293.
Kulhánová I., Forman D. , Vignat al. : Tobacco-related cancers in Europe: The scale of the epidemic in 2018. European Journal of Cancer. 2020, 139 (November), 27-36.
Lopez  M. G., Vis M.,  J. P., Jeníček M. et al.:  Assessing the degree of detail of temperature-based snow routines for runoff modelling in mountainous areas in central Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2020, 24 (9), 4441-4461.
Možný, M., Trnka M., Vlach al. : Past (1971-2018) and future (2021-2100) pan evaporation rates in the Czech Republic. Journal of Hydrology. 2020, 2020 (590), 1-10.
Senf C.,  Laštovička J., Okujeni al. : A generalized regression-based unmixing model for mapping forest cover fractions throughout three decades of Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2020, April 2020 (240), 111691.
Senfeldr M., Treml V.:  Which generative reproduction characteristics determine successful establishment of the subalpine shrub Pinus mugo?. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2020, 31 (3), 403-415.
Vilímek V., Klimeš J. , Ttito M., Ruth al. : Contribution of the collaborative effort of the Czech WCoE to landslide risk reduction at the Machupicchu, Peru. Landslides. 2020, 2020 (17), 2683-2688.
Smejkalová  V.,  Somplak R., Nevrlý al. :Trend forecasting for waste generation with structural break. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 266 (1 September 2020), 121814.

Beer  A., Mickenzie  F., Blažek al.:  Every Place Matters: Towards Effective Place-Based Policy. 1 vyd. Oxon: Taylor & Francis, 2020, 80 s. Regional Studies Policy Impact Books.
Kalvoda  J.:  The Dynamics of Geomorphic Evolution in the Makalu Barun Area of the Nepal Himalaya. 1 vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství P3K, 2020, 378 s.

Section Geology

Zamora S., Wright D. F., Mooi R., Lefebvre B., Guensburg T. E., Gorzelak P., David B., Sumrall C. D., Cole S. R., Hunter A. W., Sprinkle J., Thompson J. R., Ewin T. A. M., Fatka O., Nardin E., Reich M., Nohejlová M., Rahman I. A. (2020):  Re-evaluating the phylogenetic position of the enigmatic early Cambrian deuterostome Yanjiahella. Nature Communications, 11, 1. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14920-x
Faryad S.W., Cuthbert S.J. (2020).: High-temperature overprint in (U)HPM rocks exhumed from subduction zones; A product of isothermal decompression or a consequence of slab break-off (slab rollback)?. Earth-Science Reviews, 202, 103108. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103108
Žák J., Svojtka M., Hajná J., Ackerman L. (2020):  Detrital zircon geochronology and processes in accretionary wedges. Earth-Science Reviews, 207, 103214. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103214
Prošek Z., Trejbal J., Nežerka V., Goliáš V., Faltus M., Tesárek P. (2020): Recovery of residual anhydrous clinker in finely ground recycled concrete. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 155, 104640. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104640
Tuhý M., Hrstka T., Ettler V. (2020): Automated mineralogy for quantification and partitioning of metal(loid)s in particulates from mining/smelting-polluted soils. Environmental Pollution, 266, 115118. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115118
Weiss T., Mareš J., Slavík M., Bruthans J. (2020).: A microdestructive method using dye-coated-probe to visualize capillary, diffusion and evaporation zones in porous materials. Science of The Total Environment, 704, 135339. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135339
Tuhý M., Rohovec J., Matoušková Š., Mihaljevič M., Kříbek B., Vaněk A., Mapani B., Göttlicher J., Steininger R., Majzlan J., Ettler V. (2020): The potential wildfire effects on mercury remobilization from topsoils and biomass in a smelter-polluted semi-arid area. Chemosphere, 247, 125972. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.125972
Roháč J., Scaringi G., Boháč J, Kycl Petr, Najser Jan (2019) : Revisiting strength concepts and correlations with soil index properties: insights from the Dobkovičky landslide in Czech Republic. Landslides, Online. doi:10.1007/s10346-019-01306-4
Moiny H., Faryad S. W.,  Čopjaková R., Jedlicka R. (2020) :Multi‐stage metamorphism by progressive accretion of continental blocks, example from the Western Hindu Kush. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 38, 7, 693-717. doi:10.1111/jmg.12535
Kletetschka G., Ocampo U. A., Zila V., Elbra T. (2020):  Electric discharge evidence found in a new class of material in the Chicxulub ejecta. Scientific Reports, 10, 1. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-65974-2

are not presented

Environmental Sciences
Benetkova, P., Tichy, L., Hanel, L., Kukla, J., Vicentini, F., Frouz, J., 2020. The effect of soil and plant material transplants on vegetation and soil biota during forest restoration in a limestone quarry: A case study. Ecological Engineering 158.
Emsens, W.J., van Diggelen, R., Aggenbach, C.J.S., Cajthaml, T., Frouz, J., Klimkowska, A., Kotowski, W., Kozub, L., Liczner, Y., Seeber, E., Silvennoinen, H., Tanneberger, F., Vicena, J., Wilk, M., Verbruggen, E., 2020. Recovery of fen peatland microbiomes and predicted functional profiles after rewetting. Isme Journal 14, 1701-1712.
Frouz, J., Novotna, K., Cermakova, L., Pivokonsky, M., 2020. Soil fauna reduce soil respiration by supporting N leaching from litter. Applied Soil Ecology 153.
Reif, J., Hanzelka, J., 2020. Continent-wide gradients in open-habitat insectivorous bird declines track spatial patterns in agricultural intensity across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29, 1988-2013.
Semerad, J., Filip, J., Sevcu, A., Brumovsky, M., Nguyen, N.H.A., Miksicek, J., Lederer, T., Filipova, A., Bohackova, J., Cajthaml, T., 2020a. Environmental fate of sulfidated nZVI particles: the interplay of nanoparticle corrosion and toxicity during aging. Environmental Science-Nano 7, 1794-1806.
Semerad, J., Hatasova, N., Grasserova, A., Cerna, T., Filipova, A., Hanc, A., Innemanova, P., Pivokonsky, M., Cajthaml, T., 2020b. Screening for 32 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) including GenX in sludges from 43 WWTPs located in the Czech Republic - Evaluation of potential accumulation in vegetables after application of biosolids. Chemosphere 261.
Semerad, J., Pacheco, N.I.N., Grasserova, A., Prochazkova, P., Pivokonsky, M., Pivokonska, L., Cajthaml, T., 2020c. In Vitro Study of the Toxicity Mechanisms of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron (nZVI) and Released Iron Ions Using Earthworm Cells. Nanomaterials 10.
Shrestha, B., Kindlmann, P., 2020. Implications of landscape genetics and connectivity of snow leopard in the Nepalese Himalayas for its conservation. Scientific Reports 10.
Singer, D., Duckert, C., Hedenec, P., Lara, E., Hiltbrunner, E., Mitchell, E.A.D., 2020. High-throughput sequencing of litter and moss eDNA reveals a positive correlation between the diversity of Apicomplexa and their invertebrate hosts across alpine habitats. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 147.
Sredlova, K., Skrob, Z., Filipova, A., Masin, P., Holecova, J., Cajthaml, T., 2020. Biodegradation of PCBs in contaminated water using spent oyster mushroom substrate and a trickle-bed bioreactor. Water Research 170.

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