BiologyPublicationsMonographs ChemistryPublicationsMonographs GeographyPublicationsMonographs GeologyPublicationsMonographs Environmental SciencesPublicationsMonographs Section BiologyPublications Minařík M., Štundl J., Fabian P., Jandzik D., Metscher B.D., Pšenička M., Gela D., Osorio- Peréz A., Arias-Rodriguez L., Horáček I., Černý R. (2017) Pre-oral gut contributes to facial structures in non-teleost fishes. Nature 547: 209-212Prokop J., Pecharová M., Nel A., Hoerhschemeyer T., Krzeminska E., Krzeminski W., Engel M.S. (2017) Paleozoic nymphal wing pads support dual model of insect wing origins. Current Biology 27: 263-269.Voleman L., Najdrová V., Ástvaldsson Á., Tůmová P., Einarsson E., Švindrych Z., Hagen G.M., Tachezy J., Svärd S.G., Doležal P. (2017) Giardia intestinalis mitosomes undergo synchronized fission but not fusion and are constitutively associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. BMC Biology 15: 27Seydlová G., Pohl R., Zborníková E., Ehn M., Šimák O., Panova N., Kolář M., Bogdanová K., Večeřová R., Fišer R., Šanderová H., Vítovská D., Sudzinová P., Pospíšil J., Benada O., Křížek T., Sedlák D., Bartůněk P., Krásný L., Rejman D. (2017) Lipophosphonoxins II: Design, synthesis, and properties of novel broad spectrum antibacterial agents. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 60: 6098-6118.Kolar F., Certner M., Suda J., Schonswetter P., Husband B.C. (2017) Mixed-ploidy species: progress and opportunities in polyploid research. Trends in Plant Science 22: 1041–1055.Sklenář F., Jurjevic Z., Zalar P., Frisvad J.C., Visagie C.M., Kolařík M., Houbraken J., Chen A.J., Yilmaz N., Seifert K.A., Coton M., Deniel F., Gunde-Cimerman N., Samson R.A., Peterson S.W., Hubka V. (2017) Phylogeny of xerophilic aspergilli (subgenus Aspergillus) and taxonomic revision of section Restricti. Studies in Mycology 88: 161–236.Luo W., Janoštiak R., Tolde O., Ryzhova L., Koudelková L., Dibus M., Brábek J., Hanks S.K., Rösel D. (2017) ARHGAP42 is activated by Src-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation to promote cell motility. Journal of Cell Science 130: 2382-2393Rawat A., Brejšková L., Hála M., Cvrčková F., Žárský V. (2017) The Physcomitrella patens exocyst subunit EXO70.3d has distinct roles in growth and development, and is essential for completion of the moss life cycle. New Phytologist 216: 438–454Hálová M., Gahura O., Převorovský M., Cit Z., Novotný M., Valentová A., Abrhámová K., Půta F., Folk P. (2017) Nineteen complex-related factor Prp45 is required for the early stages of cotranscriptional spliceosome assembly. RNA 23: 1512-1524.Hirsch I., Janovec V., Stránská R., Bendriss-Vermare N. (2017) Cross talk between inhibitory immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif-signaling and Toll-like receptor pathways in macrophages and dendritic cells. Frontiers in Immunology 8: 394. MonographsOvčáčková L. et al. (2017): O původu kultury. Biologické, antropologické a historické koncepce kulturní evoluce. Praha: Academia Section ChemistryPublicationsAndris E., Navrátil R., Jašík J., Terencio T., Srnec M., Costas M., Roithová J. (2017) Chasing the Evasive Fe═O Stretch and the Spin State of the Iron(IV)–Oxo Complexes by Photodissociation Spectroscopy. Journal of American Chemical Society 139: 2757-2765.Morris S. A., Bignami G., Tian Y. , Navarro M. , Firth D., Čejka J. , Wheatley P., Dawson D. , Slawinski W. A., Wragg D. S. , Morris R. E. , Ashbrook S. E. (2017) In Situ Solid-State NMR and XRD Studies of the ADOR Process and the Intriguing Structure of Zeolite IPC-6, Nature Chemistry 9:1012-1018.Kasneryk V., Shamzhy M. , Opanasenko M., Morris S.A., Russell S., Mayoral A., Čejka J. , Morris R.E. (2017) Expansion of the ADOR Strategy for the Synthesis of Zeolites: The Synthesis of IPC-12 from Zeolite UOV, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed 56: 4324-4327 .Firth D. S.,Morris S. A., Wheatley P. S., Russell S. E., Slawin A. M. Z., Dawson D. M., Mayoral A., Opanasenko M., Položij M., Čejka J., Nachtigall P., Morris R. E. (2017) Assembly – Disassembly – Organization − Reassembly Synthesis of Zeolites Based on cf i-Type Layers, Chemistry of Materials 29: 5605-5611.He J., Li X., Lyu P., Nachtigall P. (2017) Near-Room-Temperature Chern Insulator and Dirac Spin-Gapless Semiconductor: Nickle Chloride Monolayer, Nanoscale 9: 2246-2252.Škuta C., Popr M., Muller T., Jindřich J., Kahle M., Sedlák D., Svozil D., Bartůněk P. (2017) Probes & Drugs Portal: an Interactive, Open Data Resource for Chemical Biology. Nature Methods 14, 758-759.Navrátil V., Schimer J., Tykvart J., Knedlík T., Vik V., Majer P., Konvalinka J., Šácha P. (2017) DNA-linked Inhibitor Antibody Assay (DIANA) for Sensitive and Selective Enzyme Detection and Inhibitor Screening. Nucleic Acids Research 45(2): e10.Stráňava M., Man P., Skálová T., Kolenko P., Bláha J., Fojtíková V., Martínek V., Dohnálek J., Lengálová A., Rosůlek M., Shimizu T., Martínková M. (2017) Coordination and Redox State-Dependent Structural Changes of the Heme-Based Oxygen Sensor AfGcHK Associated with Intraprotein Signal Transduction. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292, 20921-20935.Alblová M., Šmídová A., Dočekal V., Veselý J., Herman P., Obšilová V., Obšil T. (2017) Molecular Basis of the 14-3-3 Protein-Dependent Activation of Yeast Neutral Trehalase Nth1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 114: E9811-E9820.Blahut J., Bernášek K., Gálisová A., Herynek V., Císařová I., Kotek J., Lang J., Matějková S., Hermann P. (2017) Paramagnetic F-19 Relaxation Enhancement in Nickel(II) Complexes of N-Trifluoroethyl Cyclam Derivatives and Cell Labeling for F-19 MRI. Inorganic Chemistry 56: 13337- 13348. MonographsKoukal P., Ulč J., Nečas D., Kotora M. (2017) Pyridine N-Oxides and Derivatives Thereof in Organocatalysis (p. 29–58) in Heterocyclic N-Oxides; Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry; Springer, Cham. Section GeographyPublicationsGadeyne S., Menvielle G., Kulhanova I., Bopp M., Deboosere P., Eikemo T.A., Hoffmann R., Kovacs K., Leinsalu M., Martikainen P., Regidor E., Rychtaříková J., Spadea T., Strand B.H., Trewin C., Wojtyniak B., Mackenbach P. (2017) The turn of the gradient? Educational differences in breast cancer mortality in 18 European populations during the 2000s. International Journal of Cancer 141: 33–44.Panek T., Mentlik P., Engel Z., Braucher R., Zondervan A., Team A. (2017) Late Quaternary sackungen in the highest mountains of the Carpathians. Quarternary Science Reviews 159: 47–62.Raška P., Dostál P. (2017) Evolution of disaster relief law under multiple transformations: Progressive learning or walking in a circle? Environmental Science and Policy 76: 124-130.Emmer A. (2017) Geomorphologically effective floods from moraine-dammed lakes in teh Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Quarternary Science Reviews 177: 220–234.Vlček L., Falátková K., Schneider P. (2017) Identification of runoff formation with two dyes in a mid-latitude mountain headwater. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21: 3025–3040.Gvoždíková B., Müller M. (2017). Evaluation of extensive floods in western/central Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21: 3715-3725Treml V., Veblen T.T. (2017) Does tree growth sensitivity to warming trends vary according to treeline form? Journal of Biogeography 44: 1469-1480.Stryhal J., Huth R. (2017) Classifications of winter Euro-Atlantic circulation patterns: An intercomparison of five atmospheric reanalyses. Journal of Climate 30: 7847–7861. MonographsPavlínek P. (2017) Dependent Growth: Foreign Investment and the Development of the Automotive Industry in East-Central Europe.Cham: Springer International.Ouředníček M., Jíchová J., Pospíšilová L. eds. (2017) Historický atlas obyvatelstva českých zemí. Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.Havlíček T., Klingorová K., Lysák J. (2017) Atlas náboženství Česka. Praha: Karolinum.Santana P., Costa C., Freitas Á., Stefanik I., Quintal C., Bana E Costa C., Borrell C., Dzúrová D., Drbohlav D., Lustigová M. (2017) Atlas of population health in European Union regions. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.Ouředníček M., Jíchová J., eds. (2017) Sociální prostředí Prahy: město na prahu 21. století.Praha: Academia. Section GeologyPublicationsBruthans J. Filippi M., Schweigstillová J., Říhošek J. (2017) Quantitative study of a rapidly weathering overhang developed in an artificially wetted sandstone cliff. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42: 711-723.Drahota P., Mikutta C., Falteisek L., Duchoslav V., Klementová M. (2017) Biologically induced formation of realgar deposits in soil. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 218: 237-256.Ettler V., Chren M., Mihaljevič M., Drahota P., Kříbek B., Veselovský F., Sracek O., Vaněk A., Penížek V., Komárek M., Mapani B., Kamona F. (2017) Characterization of Fe-Mn concentric nodules from Luvisol irrigated by mine water in a semi-arid agricultural area. Geoderma 299: 32-42.Fischer T., Matyska C., Heinicke J. (2017) Earthquake-enhanced permeability - evidence from carbon dioxide release following the ML 3.5 earthquake in West Bohemia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 460: 60-67Hrouda F., Faryad S.W. (2017) Magnetic fabric overprints in multi-deformed polymetamorphic rocks of the Gemeric Unit (Western Carpathians) and its tectonic implications. Tectonophysics 717: 83–98.Jarošíková A., Ettler V., Mihaljevič M., Kříbek B., Mapani B. (2017) The pH-dependent leaching behavior of slags from various stages of a copper smelting process: Environmental implications. Journal of Environmental Management 187: 178-186.Kraft P, Kvaček Z (2017) Where the lycophytes come from? – A piece of the story from the Silurian of peri-Gondwana. Gondwana Research 45: 180–190.Laibl L, Esteve J, Fatka O (2017) Giant postembryonic stages of Hydrocephalus and Eccaparadoxides and the origin of lecithotrophy in Cambrian trilobites. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 470: 109–115Peřestý V., Lexa O., Holder R., Jeřábek P., Racek M., Štípská P., Schulmann K., Hacker B. (2017): Metamorphic inheritance of Rheic passive margin evolution and its early-Variscan overprint in the Teplá-Barrandian Unit, Bohemian Massif. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 35: 327–355.Slavík M., Bruthans J. Filippi M., Schweigstillová J., Faltejsek L, Říhošek J. (2017) Biologically-initiated rock crust on sandstone: Mechanical and hydraulic properties and resistance to erosion. Geomorphology 278: 298-313. MonografieSuchý V., Sýkorová I., Zachariáš J.,Filip J., Machovič V., Lapčák L. (2017) Hypogene Features in Sandstones: An Example from Carboniferous Basins of Central and Western Bohemia, Czech Republic. In: Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World,313-328, Springer, Cham.Environmental SciencesPublicationsAngst G., Cajthaml T., Angst S., Mueller K.E., Kogel-Knabner I., Beggel S., Kriegs S., Mueller C.W. (2017) Performance of base hydrolysis methods in extracting bound lipids from plant material, soils, and sediments. Organic Geochemistry 113: 97-104.Angst S., Mueller C.W., Cajthaml T.,Angst G., Lhotakova Z.,Bartuska M., Spaldonova A., Frouz J. (2017) Stabilization of soil organic matter by earthworms is connected with physical protection rather than with chemical changes of organic matter. Geoderma 289: 29-35.Frouz J. (2017) Effects of soil development time and litter quality on soil carbon sequestration: assessing soil carbon saturation with a field transplant experiment along a post-mining chronosequence. Land Degradation &Development 28: 664-672.Harantova L., Mudrak O., Kohout P., Elhottova D., Frouz J., Baldrian P. (2017) Development of microbial community during primary succession in areas degraded by mining activities. Land Degradation & Development 28: 2574-2584.Knoblochova T., Kohout P., Puschel D., Doubkova P., Frouz J., Cajthaml T., Kukla J., Vosatka M., Rydlova J. (2017) Asymmetric response of root-associated fungal communities of an arbuscular mycorrhizal grass and an ectomycorrhizal tree to their coexistence in primary succession. Mycorrhiza 27: 775-789.Lhotsky O., Krakorova E., Linhartova L., Kresinova Z., Steinova J., Dvorak L., Rodsand T., Filipova A., Kroupova K., Wimmerova L., Kukacka J., Cajthaml T. (2017) Assessment of biodegradation potential at a site contaminated by a mixture of BTEX, chlorinated pollutants and pharmaceuticals using passive sampling methods - Case study. Science of the Total Environment 607: 1451-1465.Lhotsky O., Krakorova E., Masin P., Zebrak R., Linhartova L., Kresinova Z., Kaslik J., Steinova J., Rodsand T., Filipova A.,Petru K., Kroupova K., Cajthaml T. (2017) Pharmaceuticals, benzene, toluene and chlorobenzene removal from contaminated groundwater by combined UV/H2O2 photo-oxidation and aeration. Water Research 120: 245-255.Margesin R., Siles J.A., Cajthaml T., Ohlinger B., Kistler E. (2017) Microbiology Meets Archaeology: Soil Microbial Communities Reveal Different Human Activities at Archaic Monte Iato (Sixth Century BC). Microbial Ecology 73: 925-938.Siles J.A., Cajthaml T., Filipova A., Minerbi S., Margesin R. (2017) Altitudinal, seasonal and interannual shifts in microbial communities and chemical composition of soil organic matter in Alpine forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 112: 1-13.Stella, T., Covino, S., Cvancarova, M.,Filipova, A., Petruccioli, M., D'Annibale, A.,Cajthaml, T. (2017) Bioremediation of long-term PCB-contaminated soil by white-rot fungi. Journal of Hazardous Materials 324: 701-710. Monographsare not presented