This information is no longer up-to-date. Please, read the RECENT NEWS ABOUT THIS CALL. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic issues calls for proposals of the programme “Strengthening the capacities of public universities in developing countries” (Posilování kapacit veřejných vysokých škol v rozvojových zemích). In 2023, there were calls focused on Ukraine and on the priority countries of the Czech Republic – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Moldova, Zambia. At the moment, no specific information is known about the calls to be launched in 2024, but it can be assumed that new calls will be launched this year as well. If you plan to apply in a call of this programme, please contact the International Relations Office of the Charles University Rectorate (Alexandr Kandakov, Applications are submitted electronically via the Grantys system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, access to the system is facilitated by the International Relations Office of the Charles University Rectorate.Before submitting your application, please inform the Foreign Affairs Department of the Faculty of Science ( About the programme on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Czech). About the calls in 2023 (in Czech)– from a presentation by the International Relations Office of the Charles University Rectorate. The main objective of the programme is to improve the quality and expertise of higher education, science and research in developing countries. In 2023, 2 types of calls took place: Strengthening the capacities of public universities in Ukraine Projects had to focus on Ukraine (or Moldova, if they deal with Ukrainian refugees in Moldova). Strengthening the capacities of public universities in developing countries Projects focusing on priority countries of the Czech Republic's foreign development cooperation – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Moldova, Zambia. Other parameters of the calls: Maximal funding per project is CZK 1.5 million. Maximal funding rate is 90 %. Supported activities: inter-university scientific and educational cooperation, implementation of specialised study visits, transfer of Czech know-how in the field of higher education management, cooperation in scientific publishing activities. News published by Ludmila Součková on 19. 2. 2024.Edited 8. 3. 2024 (incorrect information corrected, the dates of announcements and deadlines in the presentation of the Rectorate were related to calls announced in 2023). Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter