The programme Horizon Europe plans the call for proposals of international projects Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN). The call is planned to open on 28. 5. 2025, planned deadline is 25. 11. 2025.

If you plan to participate in a proposal, please, contact well in advance, if possible, 1 month before the deadline at the latest, the Project Management Department (Martina Holíková,
See also Horizon Europe – practical information on faculty website.

If you consider coordinating a project, please, contact us as soon as possible, ca. 5 months before the deadline at the very latest, because preparation of a high-quality proposal in the role of a coordinator is very demanding.

Note on the Joint Doctorates (MSCA-DN-JD) projects
Participation in this type of project must be approved by the head of the department and the guarantor of the relevant doctoral study programme. Participation is only possible in the form of a double degree or a multiple degree (not a joint degree) by extending an existing accredited doctoral study programme.

MSCA-DN are projects of international research and training networks focused on a joint research topic. Within the implementation of the project, the beneficiaries recruit doctoral students who fulfil the “mobility rule” (in the last 3 years they have spent no more than 12 months in the country where they are employed on the project). At least 3 beneficiaries from 3 different EU countries or countries associated to Horizon Europe must participate in a project. In practice, the consortia usually consist of 9–22 entities: beneficiaries and associated partners.

The European Commission funds these projects to increase employability of young researchers after their PhD – in the academic as well as in the non-academic sector. Therefore, in all types of MSCA-DN projects, active participation of non-academic entities is crucial (they can be beneficiaries recruiting the doctoral students or associated partners hosting the doctoral students during secondments). In MSCA projects, the non-academic sector includes not only enterprises, but also e.g.: hospitals, museums, libraries, national parks, non-governmental organisations, public authorities etc.

Budget is directly determined by the number of months for which a doctoral student is employed by a beneficiary – for 1 “person-month”: a fixed amount for personnel costs of the doctoral student (amount depends on the country of the beneficiary and family status of the doctoral student), EUR 1600 for research, training and networking costs, and EUR 1200 for management and indirect costs. Maximal “size” of a project is 540 person-months (corresponds to 15 doctoral students employed for 3 years). One beneficiary usually employs one or at most two doctoral students.

Participation in these projects allows research teams to deepen their collaboration with partners abroad and at the same time to attract capable early-career researchers from abroad to their teams.

Types of MSCA-DN projects

Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN)

  • Project duration is up to 48 months.
  • Doctoral students can be recruited for up to 36 months.

Doctoral Networks – Industrial Doctorates (MSCA-DN-ID)

  • Doctoral students must spend half of their time in the non-academic sector.
  • Project duration is up to 48 months.
  • Doctoral students can be recruited for up to 36 months.

Doctoral Networks – Joint Doctorates (MSCA-DN-JD)

  • Doctoral students must be enrolled in joint degree or double degree or multiple degree study programmes.
  • Project duration is up to 60 months.
  • Doctoral students can be recruited for up to 48 months.


News published by Ludmila Součková on 5. 12. 2024.

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