This information is no longer up-to-date. The programme Horizon Europe, part Cluster 3: Civil security for society (CL3) has still open or forthcoming 48 25 topics for international projects. Nearest deadlines are on 23. 11. 2023 20. 11. 2024.Please, pay notice also to the topics with deadline in 2024, because for these, there is still sufficient time to look for a suitable consortium. Projects must be carried out by international consortia with significant participation of users of results of the projects, the usual consortia size is ca. 8–25 entities (depending on scope of the topic). CL3 contains topics potentially relevant for chemists, biologists, geologists and geographers, if their research can be useful in security or disaster resilience (e.g.: CBRN-E detection, biological toxins detection, urban planning, forecasting and management of weather / climatic and geological disasters, Earth Observation).See also Consortial projects in Horizon Europe on Faculty website;Offer to find relevant topics in Horizon Europe. If you plan to participate in a proposal submitted to a Horizon Europe call, please, contact well in advance the Project Management Department (Martina Holíková, also Horizon Europe – practical information on faculty website.If you are interested in one of the topics, but you don’t know, how to find a project coordinator or partners, please, contact the Project Management Department and we’ll recommend to you some networking opportunities. CL3 topics on Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal – can be sorted by destinations, calls, specific priorities etc. For each topic, it gives information about type of project, deadline, scope of the topic (Topic description), expected outcomes, links to relevant documents, frequently asked questions and link for proposal submission. For types of projects and evaluation procedures see Consortial projects in Horizon Europe on Faculty website. CL3 Work Programme – context and goals, full description of all calls and topics, budget information etc. About CL3 by European Commission. About CL3 by Czech National Contact Points – news, events etc. How to read topics on Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal: If the name of a topics sounds relevant for you, open it on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal. Read carefully the Topic description to find out whether it’s indeed a topic for you – and potentially also description of the Destination giving the context and reasons for funding this particular group of topics. Keep in mind that each partner in a consortium is expected just to partly (but significantly) contribute to achievement of the expected outcomes (while the consortium as a whole should fulfil the entire scope of the topic). If you would like to participate in a project on this topic, contact the Project Management Department (Martina Holíková). Examples of topics that seem relevant for the Faculty of Science: Destination 1: Better protect the EU and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism HORIZON-CL3-2023-FCT-01-02: A harmonized European forensics approach on drugs analysis, deadline 23. 11. 2023. HORIZON-CL3-2024-FCT-01-07: CBRN-E (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear substances and explosives) detection capacities in small architecture, deadline 20. 11. 2024. Destination 2: Effective management of EU external borders(I didn’t see anything particularly interesting here.) Destination 3: Resilient Infrastructure HORIZON-CL3-2024-INFRA-01-02: Resilient and secure urban planning and new tools for EU territorial entities, deadline 20. 11. 2024. HORIZON-CL3-2024-INFRA-01-03: Advanced real-time data analysis used for infrastructure resilience, deadline 20. 11. 2024. Destination 4: Increased Cybersecurity(I didn’t see anything particularly interesting here.) Destination 5: Disaster-Resilient Society for Europe HORIZON-CL3-2023-DRS-01-01: Improving social and societal preparedness for disaster response and health emergencies, deadline 23. 11. 2023. HORIZON-CL3-2023-DRS-01-03: Operability and standardisation in response to biological toxin incidents, deadline 23. 11. 2023. HORIZON-CL3-2024-DRS-01-01: Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of chemical, biological and radiological threats to agricultural production, feed and food processing, distribution and consumption, deadline 20. 11. 2024. HORIZON-CL3-2024-DRS-01-03: Harmonised / Standard protocols for the implementation of alert and impact forecasting systems as well as transnational emergency management in the areas of high-impact weather / climatic and geological disasters, deadline 20. 11. 2024. Destination 6: Strengthened Security Research and Innovation(I didn’t see anything particularly interesting here.) About Horizon Europe on Faculty website News published by Ludmila Součková on 9. 6. 2023.Updated 3. 8. 2023 (contact person changed).Updated 5. 10. 2023 (new link to all topics in this cluster, deleted links to destinations, as these no longer work).Updated 6. 10. 2023 (attempt to make the links to FaT portal work again).Updated 31. 1. 2024 (updated summary of currently open topics in the second paragraph).Updated 22. 3. 2024 (another change of the link to FaT portal after another change of FaT portal functions). Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter