The Charleston Programme will support postdoctoral research projects that will be carried out at Charles University (CU) by postdocs from abroad. The first call for applications is planned to open on 1. 3. 2025, planned deadline is 31. 5. 2025. It is advisable that potential supervisors from CU are at the time of the call opening already in contact with the postdocs from abroad with whom they will prepare the applications.

If you plan to apply in this call as a supervisor from CU hosting the postdoc from abroad, please, contact well in advance, preferably by March 2025, the Project Management Department (Miroslav Kotrc, – the sooner you contact us, the more meaningful support of the proposal preparation we can provide.

If you have any questions regarding this call, please, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The Charleston Programme is co-funded by Horizon Europe, the funding scheme MSCA Cofund of the programme part Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). The goal of MSCA is to support the mobility and career development of researchers in the European research area, which includes improving their employability both in the academic and the non-academic sector.

The Charleston Programme will start on 1 January 2025. A total of 20 grants will be awarded, 10 in 2025 and 10 in 2026. A project must contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals through its research topic. Project duration consists of 24 months carried out at a research department at CU and 3–6 months compulsory secondment at a non-academic institution (the non-academic sector includes not only private companies, but also e.g., hospitals, museums, libraries, national parks, non-governmental organisations, public authorities, UN agencies etc.). This non-academic institution can be in Czechia or in any other country worldwide, the secondment can be divided into two shorter stays. The secondment in non-academic sector must be beneficial both for the scientific content of the project as well as for the career development of the supported postdoc.

The research topic should be primarily designed by the postdoc in collaboration with the department at CU where the project would be carried out (i.e., primarily with the potential postdoc supervisor), and the partner non-academic institution.

Eligible applicant – postdoc

  • Can be of any nationality.
  • By the call deadline, the postdoc must not be an employee of CU.
  • By the call deadline, the postdoc must not have resided in Czechia for more than 12 months in the last 36 months.
  • By the call deadline, the postdoc must hold a PhD title, and must not be in possession of this title for more than 8 years (this period can be extended in following cases: maternity leave; paternity leave; compulsory national service; time spent not working in research; long-term sick leave, seeking asylum, natural disaster, clinical training).

Eligible supervisor

  • Must be an employee of CU.
  • Must be in possession of PhD title for at least 8 years.


  • Personnel costs of the postdoc (gross salary EUR 3361 per month; EUR 3508 for postdocs who have a child or children).
  • Contribution EUR 600 per month for research costs.
  • Contribution EUR 200 per month for training costs.
  • Contribution to cover the travel costs connected with the secondment at the non-academic institution.

Detailed rules will be given in the Guide for Applicants that will be published at the latest when the call is launched.


News published by Ludmila Součková on 6. 11. 2024.
Updated 22. 1. 2025 (link to programme webpage and supervisor eligibility criteria added).

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