Thursday 30.1.2025 The book Thaddaeus Hagecius, or Hájek (1526–1600): Bohemian Polymath of the Rudolfine Era is being published by Amsterdam University Press. The book was co-authored by Vojtěch Hladký and Lucie Strnadová from the Department of Philosophy and History of Science at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, who have a long standing collaboration with the book's editor, Martin Žemla. The book was created as part of a project by the Department of Philosophy at Palacký University in Olomouc. A Czech version of the publication is currently in preparation. The book explores the life and work of Tadeáš Hájek of Hájek, a prominent 16th-century Czech scientist engaged in medicine, botany, mathematics, and astronomy (as well as alchemy, astrology, and metoposcopy, the practice of divination based on wrinkles on the forehead). The authors analyze various aspects of his thought and strive to present a comprehensive view of his intellectual legacy within the context of his time. They highlight that Hájek’s influence extended far beyond the Czech lands and reached across multiple scientific disciplines. Žemla, Martin, ed. Thaddaeus Hagecius, or Hájek, 1526–1600: Bohemian Polymath of the Rudolfine Period. Amsterdam University Press, 2025. ISBN 9789048565801.