The Loss of Structural Crystallography

Friday 17.1.2025

Professor Josef Loub (*December 5, 1929 – †January 10, 2025) was a pivotal figure in X-ray structural analysis in chemistry at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. Thanks to his tireless efforts and visionary approach, X-ray structural analysis became an integral part of the faculty’s chemical research, laying the foundation for generations of scientists to build upon his legacy.

In the 1950s, discovering an X-ray diffractometer and surviving the war in the chemistry department, he introduced X-ray analysis of solid substances into chemical research. The promising development of the field was interrupted by an unexpected visit of a health inspector, which resulted in the loss of the instrument. Despite these challenges, Professor Loub continued to equip the laboratory with X-ray instruments. His efforts culminated in the purchase of the first single-crystal diffractometer at Charles University in 1994.