Another of the series of regular special seminars of the Institute for Environmental Studies took place, this time on amendments to the Forestry Act and the Act on Hunting and their environmental aspects.
A panel discussion on the topic "Environmental aspects of the amendments to the Forestry Act and the Act on Hunting" was held as part of the special seminar of the Institute for Environmental Studies.
On 20 November 2024, MVDr. Jaromír Bláha (Friends of the Earth Czech Repubic) and prof. RNDr. Jakub Hruška, CSc. (Global Change Research Institute CAS, Czech Geological Survey) spoke at the seminar, which was traditionally held in the Krajina auditorium of the Institute for Environmental Studies. The discussion was moderated by prof. RNDr. Pavel Kindlmann, DrSc. (Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Charles University).
The guests presented to the students upcoming changes within the mentioned amendments, which are desirable from an environmental point of view, which can be harmful, and which changes are completely absent in these amendments. They also drew attention to the risks associated with the upcoming discussion of the amendment to the Act on Nature and Landscape Protection. The last point of the discussion was the influence of climate change on the decline of suitable habitats for growing spruce and the need to take this development into account in the amendments.