What is the influence of mining on the formation of the dump landscape? How does forest succession take place in such a location? And do pioneer tree species have an effect on it? All this was learned by the participants of the workshop co-organized by our institute.
The workshop entitled Restoration and amelioration effect of pioneer tree species on degraded mining habitats took place on Thursday 17 October 2024 at Sokolovské dumps. Prof. Jan Frouz (IES) presented to the participants from forestry practice and other research institutions the results of long-term research concerning pioneer tree species, which could also be used for forest management outside dumps.
The workshop took place within the framework of the two-year project TQ03000234 Ameliorative potential of pioneer tree species in restoration of calamitous clearings and degraded sites, which is led by Ing. Jakub Černý, Ph.D. from Forestry and Game Management Research Institute and the co-researcher is our colleague dr. Olga Vinduškova. The project is financially supported as part of the SIGMA Program of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.