Program: Johannes Amos Comenius Programme (P JAC), call: Social Sciences and Humanities: Man and Humanity in the Global Challenges of Today

Name of the project: A Mobile Society: Opportunities and Risks of New Forms of Mobility for Czech Society and Economy, no. CZ.02.01.01/00/23_025/0008717

Acronym: AMOS

Period of realisation: 1. 1. 2025 – 31. 12. 2028

Principal investigator: prof. RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.

Three research institutions cooperate on the project: the Charles University (applicant), Masaryk University (partner) and the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (partner). The project is implemented by the Faculty of Science of Charles University (Faculty of Science of Charles University) and involves staff from the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development and the Map and Data Centre. Masaryk University is represented in the project by research groups from the field of social geography and geoinformatics, which primarily deal with the analysis and visualization of spatiotemporal patterns of different types of mobility. The Institute of Sociology of the CAS, v.v.i. is represented by the Local and Regional Studies Department (analysis of the functioning of public administration), the Economic Sociology Team (economic analysis) and the Gender & Sociology Department (gender inequalities).

The main thematic focus of the project is on research on mobility, migration and socio-spatial inequalities, the new phase of economic and social globalisation, transformation processes in settlement systems and metropolitan areas associated with the development of new technologies, big data and cartographic visualisation.

The main research objective of the project is to carry out multidisciplinary research through five research projects that will lead to new insights, new methodological approaches and the development of innovative analytical procedures as well as tools for advanced modelling and cartographic visualisation. The interdisciplinary approach will allow for a stronger international promotion of the research and the involvement of Czech scientists in the global debate.

On the application level, the project aims to promote the transfer of knowledge into the sphere of decision-making, especially in the areas of spatial and strategic spatial planning at all hierarchical levels and in various areas of regional and social policy on the one hand, and to develop cooperation with companies on the other. All the research objectives of the proposed project have significant application potential and define specific objectives for the transfer of knowledge into practice.

The project is thematically divided into five working packages, which are at the same time interconnected by the composition of the implementation teams from the partner institutions, the theoretical concepts used and the methodological approaches. The working packages are further divided into sub-research activities.

    • VZ1 Strategies for socio-spatial resilience in a highly mobile society
    • VZ2 Mobility and migration in metropolitan regions
    • VZ3 New phase of economic globalisation and its consequences for the Czech economy and society
    • VZ4 Social and socio-spatial inequalities in a society on the move
    • VZ5 Modelling, simulation and visualisation for better decision-making and planning


The sub-objectives of the project include:

  • to support and develop cutting-edge research teams working in the social sciences at partner institutions;
  • to strengthen the teams’ collaboration in scientific research, publication activities and fundraising;
  • to intensify the international character of research, taking advantage of newly supported collaborations, joint publications and international project submissions;
  • strengthen the transfer of results into practice in collaboration with public sector and corporate application partners.