What does the Map and Data Centre bring?
Our main goal is the implementation of effective and integrated data management by the Geographical Institute of the Faculty of Science. We provide support to research teams, staff and students. We help make science more open and data FAIR.
On the DataHub portal, we present advanced visualizations of (not only) spatial data presenting the scientific outputs of Albertov scientists in an innovative way. We create interactive map applications, storymaps, dashboards, 3D scenes and much more.
We are a multidisciplinary team, and our members are devoted to the analysis of geographic data on a variety of topics and forms. We have experience in both applied and basic research projects.
You can meet us at a wide range of applied classes taught at the Faculty of Science, but we also organize our own courses on data management, analysis and visualization for the professional community. We are preparing didactic materials for the use of our data and applications in teaching geography in primary or secondary schools.