Monday 9.12.2024 At the 18th ICA Conference Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, the Director of the Library the Geographical Sciences and Map Collection, PhDr. et Mgr. Eva Novotná, Ph.D. The survey focused on a comparison of seven digital globe collections: Virtual Globes Museum, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Globe Collection, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Globe Museum, Austrian National Library, Vienna Globe Collection , French National Library, Paris Det Kgl. Bibliotek Søren, København Virtual Map Collection, Geodetic Research Institute, Zdiby Digital globescollection, Map collection, Charles University, Prague Globes and their research are becoming increasingly important, so it is important that users have access to good quality 2D or 3D models, metadata and facts on which to base their research. Therefore, PhDr. et Mgr. Eva Novotná, Ph.D. compared selected digital collections, what data they present and how they are processed. Source: ICA Heritage NOVOTNÁ, Eva. Digitized globes for users: metadata, images and facts. In TSORLINI, Angeliki - BOUTOURA, Chrysoula. 18th ICA Conference Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage: The Conference Proceedings. 1. Thessaloniki: AUTH CartoGeoLab, 2024, s. 170-182. ISSN 2459-3893.