Monday 18.11.2024 27th year of the prestigious cartographic competition MAP OF THE YEAR announced! The Czech Cartographic Society announces the 27th year of the prestigious cartographic competition MAP OF THE YEAR! This traditional event of the Czech Cartographic Society brings a unique opportunity for all those who are passionate about creating maps, atlases, editions and digital cartographic products. Since its inception, the competition has found its firm place in the limelight, has become a symbol of excellence and reflects the endless creativity and innovation in the field of cartography. Whether you are a seasoned professional, a talented student or an amateur cartographer - your work has a chance to shine in this prestigious competition! Each participant contributes to the richness and diversity of the world of cartographic expression. Your maps are not only a reflection of reality, but also of your ability to bring originality and story to them. The MAP OF THE YEAR competition is open to a wide range of entries, from traditional printed maps to interactive digital applications. Your entries can include not only the final map products, but also your creative process, inspiration and the stories behind the maps. We look forward to seeing your entries and meeting you at the awards ceremony! Join us and give us the chance to discover the world through your eyes in the 27th edition of the prestigious MAP OF THE YEAR competition. Competition categories: ATLASES, MAP FILES AND EDITIONS STAND-ALONE CARTOGRAPHIC WORKS DIGITAL CARTOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS AND APPLICATIONS ON THE INTERNET CARTOGRAPHIC WORKS FOR SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION STUDENT CARTOGRAPHIC WORKS THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING PRODUCTS TO THE COMPETITION IS 7 MARCH 2025. The application form (including the author's declaration) is available online. Official website: