The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science was established (as in all Czech universities and individual faculties) during 1990 as a representative body of the academic community, i.e. academic staff ("staff chamber") and students ("student chamber"). Together with the Dean and the Scientific Council, it forms the academic self-government of the Faculty of Science.

The Academic Senate of the Faculty is a self-governing representative body of the academic community. Within the Faculty it ensures compliance with laws and other legal regulations, internal regulations of Charles University and of the Faculty, the academic rights and freedoms described in the preamble of this Constitution, and in the preamble of the Constitution of Charles University. - Constitution of the Faculty of Science of Charles University, article 11, paragraph 1

The Academic Senate has a number of consultant and decision-making powers and, together with the Dean and his/her College, forms the leadership of the School, or its legislative part.

Its main duty is the all-round care of regulations and legal norms - their adoption and interpretation. If you have any doubts or difficulties, you can contact the members of the Senate.

It usually meets once a month for a session where you can read the minutes of meetings or review the documents under discussion. To stay up to date, we encourage you to follow actualities.

If necessary, you can contact either individual members or the entire Senate or a committee of the Senate. Since not all matters can be handled from the faculty level, you may contact our representatives on the Academic Senate if necessary.


The Senate has two types of powers: decision-making and consultant. The Senate has decision-making powers in the areas defined by the University Act and the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty of Science. The most important acts where the Senate has decision-making power are:

  • the election of a candidate for dean and the dismissal of a dean
  • the establishment/abolition of departments on the proposal of the Dean
  • amending the internal regulations of the Faculty on the Dean's proposal (still to be approved by the AS UK)
  • approves the faculty budget
  • approves the annual report on the activities of the Faculty
  • approves the annual report on the faculty's management
  • approves the conditions for admission to study
  • appoints members of the Faculty's Scientific Board and Disciplinary Committee on the Dean's proposal
  • approves the long-term plan of the faculty
  • in the event of doubt as to the interpretation of any of the Faculty's regulations

The consultant power of the Senate means that in order to take a decision, it is necessary to have a prior discussion at a meeting where the Senate expresses its opinion by voting. However, the final decision, which is usually the responsibility of the Dean, may then differ from the Senate's opinion in these cases. The Senate must express its opinion on, for example, the following important decisions and regulations:

  • appointment of heads of departments and departments
  • appointment/removal of vice-deans and their competences
  • appointment of the Faculty Secretary
  • on proposals for study programmes
  • the amount of fees associated with studies
  • the organisational regulations of the faculty and some faculty departments
  • the establishment and abolition of units of basic departments (departments of departments)
  • payment of the "13th salary"
  • the amount of the scholarship for outstanding academic performance and the doctoral scholarship in a given academic year
  • The Academic Senate also expresses its opinion on a number of other topical issues, and its opinion serves as a recommendation to the decision-making bodies (Dean, Scientific Council). It also has the power to propose candidates for the Rector of the University or for the award of university prizes and medals.

History of the Chairs of the Academic Senate

  • 1997–1999: Martin Mihaljevič (geology)
  • 1999–2000: Petr Horák (biology)
  • 2000–2003: Martin Černý (biology)
  • 2003–2006: Jiří Neustupa (biology)
  • 2006–2007: Roman Matoušek (geography)
  • 2007–2009: Pavel Chromý (geography)
  • 2009–2011: Roman Matoušek (geography)
  • 2011–2013: Petr Jedelský (biology)
  • 2013–2017: Martin Kuthan (biology
  • 2017 till now: Radim Perlín (geography)