The Economic Division ensures all economic and financial agenda of the Faculty of Science, including the monitoring of the management in the main and supplementary activities, both at the departments and at individual research and science projects using the FIS economic software.

Finance Department | Budgetary Department | Property Department



Economic Division
Faculty of Science, Charles University
Albertov 6, 128 00 Praha 2

Mgr. Lucie Pechar, DiS., MBA
Albertov 6, 4NP, 317

All contacts


Office hours:

Monday - Friday: 9-11:00, 12:30-15 hod.


Finance Department

Lenka Sochůrková Chalupová

All contacts


Budgetary Department

Preparation and compilation of budgets, introduction of new contracts and projects, provision of project reporting documents, monitoring of operational contracts, checking of costing sheets and final settlement of additional activities.

OrgUnitContactMacro: Kontakt nenalezen.

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Property Department

The Property Department is responsible for all the agenda related to the registration of the property of the Faculty. It handles insurance claims caused to the property of the Faculty of Science.

Martin Mráz, DiS.
Albertov 6, 4NP, 319

All contacts