The Building Management Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the buildings and movable property in its custody. It is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the Faculty's investment projects and for the repair of the movable property entrusted to it. It is responsible for fire prevention, water and energy management and occupational safety and hygiene. The Department is responsible for the operation of the fire alarm stations with continuous operation. The Department also manages the rental of the premises entrusted to it and the operation of selected field stations.


Investment Department | Operations Department | Mailroom


Building Management Division
Faculty of Science, Charles University
Albertov 6, 128 00 Praha 2

Mgr. Barbora Šejblová
Albertov 6, 1PP, S11C

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Investment Department

The Investment Department is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the Faculty's investment projects and for repairs of entrusted movable property.

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Operations Department

The Operations Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the buildings and movable property in its custody. It is responsible for fire prevention, water and energy management and occupational health and safety. The department is responsible for the operation of the fire alarm gatehouses, which are open around the clock.

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