The following procedure and rules have been established for entering into contracts on behalf of the Faculty:
- MoUs can be concluded with foreign partners with whom there is no other faculty or higher university agreement
the conclusion of the MoU must always be approved by the management of the department and section concerned - the Faculty of Science prefers to conclude agreements according to the Faculty´s template
Contract procedure:
- the researcher contacts the Foreign Office (FO)
- FO provides a draft/template (unless the partner party insists on its own model)
- FO will liaise with a Legal office to communicate the wording of the contract so that it is acceptable to both parties (ideally FO will provide the contact details of the administrator on the partner side)
- FO provides a round of approval and signing of the contract
- FO forwards to partner for signature/eventually forwards to faculty investigator
- the mutually signed contract is forwarded by the FO to the Legal Department
- the contract holder is kept informed of the progress throughout