Wednesday 5.2.2025 09:00 - Friday 7.2.2025 15:00

We cordially invite you to the 16th Conference of Young Demographers, which will take place on 5-7 February 2025 at the Albertov. Marc Luy from the Vienna Institute of Demography and Rolf Granholm from the University of Groningen have accepted the invitation as keynote speakers.


WHEN: 5-7 February 2025
WHERE: Large Geological Auditorium, Albertov 6, Prague 2

The traditional conference will be attended by young scientists in demography and related fields from all over Europe and even further afield. The aim of the conference is to create a relaxed and friendly environment where especially budding scientists can share their work in progress and ideas with their colleagues.

The conference programme and the passive registration form can be found on the conference website

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact:

The organizing committee: Anna Altová, Kateřina Brázová, Klára Hulíková, Barbora Janáková Kuprová, Lukáš Kahoun, Adéla Pola and Jitka Slabá

We would specifically like to invite you to the keynote lecture of prof. Marc Luy: Why Do Women Live Longer? Insights from 25 Years of Demographic Research. Prof. Luy is a demographer and a director of the Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on understanding the causal mechanisms that enable some people to live longer and healthier than others. He will speak about gender differences in life expectancy and will share more insights to his project "Cloister Study" which studies the mechanisms of health, ageing and longevity, based on the morbidity and mortality experiences of Catholic order members.

The keynote lecture will take place on Thursday, 6 February at 14:00 in Velká geologická Auditorium at Albertov 6 building. .