Tuesday 1.10.2024 15:30 - 17:00 The discussion with the candidates will take place on Tuesday, 1 October 2024 at 15:30 in the Great Geological Hall, Albertov 6. The list of candidates and their election programmes can be found on the Academic Senate website Online broadcast from the Great Geology Hall on Google Meet Access to the online event is possible even without a faculty Google account! The recording will be accessible via the faculty Youtube account. How to ask questions to candidates? (Discussion will be held in Czech, however, you can also submit questions in English.) 1) Questions can be posted before and during the debate via OnlineQuestions.org The platform is accessible through a web browser.2) To access, enter the code 2024101.3) Click on the New button to enter a new question. At the beginning of the question, indicate to which candidate the question is directed (all/specific name).4) Click Submit to save the query and display it to everyone.5) If you like a particular question, you can "upvote" it by clicking on the question (the number of "upvotes" is displayed in the upper left corner of each question).6) Try to avoid repeating very similar queries and rather vote for existing ones. This will increase the chances of them being covered in the debate. Please note that vulgar, insulting or otherwise abusive comments will be deleted.