Academic position, postdoctoral position, head of department, institute directoru
- the selection procedure is governed by the The Competitive Hiring Process Code and Dean's Measure for the Competitive Hiring Process Code
- selection procedures are announced in the VYR application under IS Věda
- Instructions for the announcement of the selection procedure in the VYR application, incl. setting up selection boards
- The advertisement is published for 30 days on:
- the faculty website on the official board and in job offers
- the website of Charles University
- on the Euraxess and Research Jobs
Other publication option:
- Research Gate - paid advertising, the advertiser writes the requirements for the position and sends them to the head of the HR Division
Researcher position
- the selection procedure is announced in the VYR application under IS Věda
- posting options:
- on the faculty website in job offers
- on the website of Charles University
- on the Euraxess.cz - free advertising
- on the Researchjobs.cz - free advertising
- on the Researchgate.com - paid advertising, the advertiser writes the requirements for the position and sends them to the head of the HR Division
Other positions (administrative, technical, etc.)
- the advertiser contacts the head of the HR Division
- the possibility of posting an advertisement:
- on the Faculty's website in Job offers
- on the Charles University website
- on the Jobs.cz - paid advertising
- on the Prace.cz - paid advertising
- the advertiser writes the requirements for the position and sends them to the head of the HR Division