The OMICS Genomics Laboratory provides genomics services including next-generation sequencing, Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis. Our goal is to provide the best and most up-to-date combination of sequencing approaches to meet the diverse needs of our customers. The laboratory has instrumentation for DNA and RNA sequencing. Services are provided to academic and non-academic users from the Czech Republic and abroad.


Head of the laboratory: RNDr. Štěpánka Hrdá, Ph.D.

Specialist workers: Mgr. Blanka Hamplová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Barbora Bendová

We recommend communication by e-mail or .

Laboratory BIOCEV:

Office - M1.012 - tel. 325 873 935, laboratory - M1.022 - tel. 325873936.

Laboratory Viničná 7:

Laboratory - second basement in Vinicná 7, room S003. You are unlikely to find us in this lab. However, the room is chip accessible, and we will arrange access to S003 at CIT upon your email request. You can use the Nanodrop one and two LightCycler® 480, Roche instruments in the lab, which must be reserved.

Collection points:

BIOCEV, Vestec: The collection box for samples with the purple sign Genomics is hanging next to the reception.

Viničná 7, Prague:  The small collection fridge for samples is in the 2nd basement in the corridor to the right of the elevator.

  • All samples are sequenced in Biocev. Samples for sequencing should be placed only in the box marked SEKVENACE BIOCEV.
  • Fragmentation analysis remains for processing in Viničná 7. Place samples on the freezer shelf in the fridgeand label the bag FR.
  • Place all other samples for remeasurement or processing at Biocev in the box labeled SEKVENACE BIOCEV.

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8.00 a.m., a courier will take the samples from Viničná 7 to Biocev. Occasionally (especially during the semester) samples are also transported on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can store samples in the fridge continuously, don't worry, they will last for a week without any problems. Transportation of RNA samples must be arranged in advance!