Our lab, guided by Prof. Jana Albrechtová, focuses on the physiological and structural responses of plants to biotic and abiotic factors. We conduct research in both controlled environments (chambers, greenhouses) and real-world field conditions.

The research is divided into two main areas:

  • Plant Ecophysiology: Led by Zuzana Lhotáková, this area uses techniques like spectroscopy, microscopy, stereology, and biochemical assessments to study plant structure and function.
  • Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and Fungal Associations: Overseen by Petr Kohout (https://kohoutlab.com), this research explores plant-fungal interactions, particularly mycorrhizal symbiosis, using field studies, molecular techniques, and bioinformatics.

Our research includes:

  • Photosynthesis analysis:
    • Chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics (primary phase)
    • Gas exchange (secondary phase)
  • Measurement capabilities:
    • Water potential and soil redox
    • Chlorophyll, anthocyanins, cellulose, phenolics, lignin, proline, tannins
  • Leaf analysis:
    • Light microscopy for studying leaf properties
    • VIS-NIR spectroscopy for non-destructive assessment of leaf biophysical traits (at leaf, shoot, and individual scales)