Main methods

Plant species we work with:

  • crop species (Zea mays, Hordeum vulgare, Avena sativa, Solanum lycopersicum etc.)
  • model species (Arabidopsis thaliana, Brachypodium distachon etc.)
  • wetland species (e.g. Phragmites australis, Glyceria maxima, Acoruscalamus) and othe plant species with interesting physiological adaptations

Methods of anatomical analysis of the internal structure of the plant body:

  • sectioning of plant objects (hand sections, paraffin sections, cryosections), cleared"whole-mount" preparations
  • histochemical methods (histochemical detection of plant tissue properties, immunodetection, localization of enzymatic activity on sections)
  • microscopic techniques (light, fluorescence, confocal and electron microscopy)
  • cytological methods (specific fluorescent probes, visualization in fixed and vital specimens)

Zea mays - berberine + gencian violet Phragmites - lateral root Phragmites root - apoplastic tracer lateral root (SEM)

Molecular and biochemical methods:cloning (Multisite Gateway system), preparation of plants carrying transcriptional and translational fusions

  • standard methods of work with DNA and RNA (isolation, PCR, qPCR, genotyping, etc.)
  • transient and permanent transformation of plants
  • in situ localization of gene expression

detekce aktivity GUS v kořeni agarózový gel detekce mitotické aktivity (EdU barvení)

Plant cultivations and root system analysis:

  • cultivation of plants on agar medium, in vitro root cultures
  • hydroponic plant cultivation, plant cultivation in substrate
  • image analysis of the root system (NIS Elements, SmartRoot, etc.)

arabidopsis in vitro