The date of completion of studies is considered to be the date of passing the last part of the state final examination. From this date, graduates are entitled to use the relevant university degree.

Graduation ceremony

Graduation dates

Bachelor study programmes
22. 4. 2025
For students who will graduate in the winter period 2025
26. - 28. 11. 2024
For students who will graduate both in spring and autumn periods 2024
Master study programmes
22. 4. 2025
For students who will graduate in the winter period 2025
18. 7. 2025
For students who will graduate in the spring period 2025

8. 11. 2024 
For students who will graduate in the autumn period 2024

Master's graduation schedule

Doctoral study programmes
26. 5. 2025 
For students who will graduate in the period between November 2024 and mid-April 2025

22. and 25. 11. 2024
For students who will graduate in the period between mid-April and October 2024

The term of graduation ceremony for foreign graduates:
25. 11. 2025 at 10:30
(commencement for graduates at 10:00)


The updated version of graduations and matriculations is available in SIS, in the module Graduation.

General information about graduations

The graduation ceremony of:

  • the graduates in master, doctoral and rigorous programmes take place in the Great Hall of Karolinum, Ovocný trh 5, Praha 1 (the building of the rectorate of Charles University – map).
  • bachelor graduations take place in the Hall of the House of Professed, Malostranské náměstí 25, Praha 1 (the building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics) – map.

The dates are assigned to the graduates in SIS based on the number of students in study programmes, time availability of academic staff etc. Due to organisation reasons, it is not possible to change the graduation dates individually. After assigning the date, the system generates an automatic e-mail that informs the graduates about a preliminary graduation date. If needed, this date may be changed by the Department of Student Affairs. If a graduate cannot attend a graduation ceremony for serious reasons, it is possible to take them out off the list at this point. After the final assignment of the date (approx. 4 weeks before the graduation date), the graduates get another e-mail confirming the date and stating that it is not possible to change it. If a graduate cannot participate, there is no other way than to pick up the diploma at the Student Affairs Division.

The course of the graduation ceremony

The graduates arrive in appropriate formal clothes to the registration to the room next to the Hall at least 30 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony. In this room, they sign the matriculation book and receive instructions for the graduation. In colder months, please take into account that there might be a queue at the cloakroom. If a graduate arrives late, it is not possible to let them participate in the ceremony.

The graduates of the bachelor programmes make the oath by shaking hand with the Promotor and saying SLIBUJI (= I promise).

The graduates of master and doctoral programmes (PhD and RNDr.) make the oath by raising their hand in the direction of the top of the sceptre saying SPONDEO AC POLLICEOR (= I pledge and promise).

There is a professional providing photographic and video documentation and it is possible to order it on the spot. Please inform your guests that it is forbidden to walk around the Hall and taking pictures/video during the ceremony.

In case a graduate does not want to participate in the ceremony due to the recording and photographing, they can request to receive the diploma separately at the Department of Student Affairs.

At the bachelor graduation ceremonies, the maximum number of guests is 4-5 people per graduate. At the other graduation ceremonies, there is no limit thanks to the capacity of the Great Hall. In any case, it is not recommended to take children younger than 5 because for them, the programme is long and boring and they may disturb the ceremony as a result.

Absence at the graduation ceremony

To participate in the next ceremony, it is necessary to send a written request (letter or e-mail) at least one month before the date of the graduation ceremony. If a graduate does not want to participate in the ceremony they send a written request to the Student Affairs Division to be excluded from the lists and to be able to pick up the diploma without participating in the graduation ceremony. 

The graduation ceremonies are described in detail in the Code for matriculation and graduation ceremonies (approved on May 31, 2021, in force from June 6, 2021).


How to get your diploma without participating in the graduation ceremony

If a graduate wants to have a maiden surname on the diploma, they have to request it at the Department of Student Affairs at least 30 days before the date of the final state examination.

Copies of diplomas are issued by the Archive of Charles University. More information and the form are available here.

The bachelor pledge - in Latin with Czech translation
The master pledge - in Latin with Czech translation
The doctoral pledge - in Latin with Czech translation

More information about graduation ceremonies and diplomas is available at the website of the Rectorate of Charles University