This information is no longer up-to-date. Please, read the RECENT NEWS ABOUT THESE CALLS. The deadline for submission of applications for grants of the International Visegrad Fund is approaching. The nearest deadline is 1. 2. 2025 (deadlines repeat annually on 1 February, 1 June, 1 October). Project proposals can be consulted with the Fund, but any consultations can take place up to 14 days before the application deadline. On 9.–12.9.2024, the Fond organise webinars on individual grant types: ► Visegrad Grants, Visegrad+ Grants, Strategic Grants: 9. 9. 2024 and 12. 9. 2024. ► V4 Gen Mini-Grants: 10. 9. 2024 and 11. 9. 2024. News about these grants About the events and registration. Only one grant of each particular type can be awarded to any organizational unit at any time. Therefore, if you plan to apply as an “applicant” (coordinator) for any grant of the Visegrad Fund, please contact as soon as possible the Project Management Department (Martina Holíková, so that we can ensure that the application is eligible according to the rules of the Fund. One institution can participate as a partner in any number of projects supported by the Visegrad Fund. If you plan to participate as a partner, please inform the Project Management Department. Overview of Visegrad Fund grants. Grant Guidelines 2024 – rules of the grant programme – we highly recommend reading the guidelines carefully, including “ANNEX 1. – LIST OF ELIGIBLE COSTS” before starting the preparation of the application. Results of previous calls. Visegrad Fund grants with the above given deadlines: Visegrad Grants About Visegrad Grants in detail. Grants support cooperation between the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia). At least 3 entities from 3 different V4 countries must participate in a project, however, participation of all 4 V4 countries is encouraged. Maximum duration of project implementation is 18 months. Funding rate is up to 100% of eligible costs. Projects must address at least one of the objectives of the grant program. Following objectives might be relevant for the Faculty of Science: ► Culture and Common Identity (e.g.: Projects reflecting on common historical and cultural heritage as well as cultural diversity by joint research and knowledge-sharing activities). ► Education and Capacity Building (Projects strengthening professional networks of educational institutions and supporting mobility of students, researchers, and educators to share best practices; Projects improving hard and soft skills for the 21st century through formal and non-formal educational methods). ► Innovation, R&D, Entrepreneurship (e.g.: Projects dealing with innovation, new technologies and scientific research on regional and cross-sectoral levels). ► Public Policy and Institutional Partnership (e.g.: Projects connecting the expert communities to find joint solutions to common policy challenges). ► Regional Development, Environment and Tourism (e.g.: Projects offering new solutions and activities to the fight against climate change and raising awareness of environmental protection within and outside the V4 region; Projects aiming at sustainable tourism development on the local and regional levels by combining international expertise and shared know-how; Projects aiming at finding and sharing innovative solutions in local and regional infrastructure development, urban planning, land revitalization and agriculture). ► Social Development (e.g.: Projects improving intergenerational dialogue and the social care infrastructure to tackle common demographic and public health challenges). Visegrad+ Grants About Visegrad+ Grants in detail. Projects should contribute to the democratization and transformation processes in selected countries of the Western Balkans (WB6: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) and the Eastern Partnership regions (EaP: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). In a project, there must participate at least: a) 3 entities from 3 different V4 countries and 1 entity from a WB6 or EaP country – when the coordinator (applicant) is from a V4 or WB6 or EaP country; or b) 2 entities from 2 different V4 countries and 2 entities from 2 different WB6 or EaP countries – when the coordinator (applicant) is from a WB6 or EaP country. Maximum duration of project implementation is 18 months. Funding rate is up to 100% of eligible costs. Projects must address at least one of the objectives of the grant program – see the Visegrad Grants above. Strategic Grants About Strategic Grants in detail. These are larger projects for experienced grantees. Entities from all 4 V4 countries must participate in a project. Project duration is 12–36 months. Funding rate is up to 100% of eligible costs. Projects must clearly address one of the annual strategic priorities of the Visegrad Group. In 2025, these priorities include i.a. Supporting water management and flood protection cooperation in the region. News published by Ludmila Součková on 29. 8. 2024.Updated 3. 10. 2024 (date of the nearest deadline changed).Updated 25. 11. 2024 (example of a 2025 priority added). Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter