The deadline for submission of applications for the V4 Gen Mini-Grants of the International Visegrad Fund is approaching. The nearest deadline is 15. 4. 2025 (deadlines are repeated annually on 15 April and 15 November). Draft proposals must be submitted no later than 2 weeks before the deadline (after receiving feedback, applicants will be prompted to submit full proposals).

If you plan to apply, please, contact well in advance, 2 weeks before the deadline at the latest, the Foreign Affairs Department (Pavla Pousková,, so that all the administrative requirements of the application can be prepared in time.
Each project needs to be approved by the vice-dean of the respective section of the Faculty.

These grants support cross-border dialog among young people in the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and in Ukraine by funding short-term mobility of youth in the age group 12–30.

Projects can focus on one of the thematic focus areas of the programme – for the Faculty of Science, e.g., the focus area “SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE” can be relevant as it includes e.g., raising awareness regarding climate change or loss of biodiversity, etc. – but projects on other topics can be also supported. In each project, the following underlying principles should be present: Inclusiveness; Teaching and learning, Cross-border cooperation and good neighbourhood.

At least 2 countries from the following: Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, must participate in a project. Some neighbouring countries (Austria, Germany) can also participate. Maximal grant amount is EUR 10 000. The budget is calculated as a “lump sum” (fixed contribution per participant and day). It can be used to cover costs directly associated with the project (accommodation, travel, entrance fees, honoraria, etc.). Maximal time frame for project implementation is 7 months, during which single or multiple short-term visits or exchanges (a few days each) can take place.


News published by Ludmila Součková on 18. 3. 2025.

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