This information is no longer up-to-date. Please, read the RECENT NEWS ABOUT THIS CALL. The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) published preliminary information about the planned 10th call for proposals of the Programme for applied research and innovation Sigma – Sub-objective 3 – Support of the innovation potential of social sciences, humanities, and arts (formerly TA ČR Eta). The call is planned to open on 30. 10. 2024, planned deadline is 13. 12. 2024. If you plan to apply in this call, please, contact well in advance before the call deadline the Project Management Department (Romana Hogenová,, so that all the formal requirements of the application can be prepared in time. About the planned call on TA CR website (in Czech). Preliminary parameters of the call (in Czech). Call webpage (in Czech) – news related to this specific call are published here. Programme webpage in Czech. About the programme in English (not always up-to-date). Projects successful in a previous call (source), both in Czech. The goal of the Sub-objective 3 of the programme Sigma is to strengthen social sciences, humanities and arts in applied research and innovation activities and to apply the outputs of these activities in the form of new or substantially improved products, procedures, processes, or services. Supports the use of the innovation potential of social sciences, humanities and arts and their involvement in applied research and innovation projects that are beneficial for maintaining and increasing the quality of human life in response to dynamic social, economic, globalisation, cultural, or technological changes. An “application guarantor” from Czechia must be involved in each proposal. Application guarantor is typically a future user of the project results (e.g., a public authority, an enterprise, etc.) that declares interest in the project results and participates in setting the project plan. Application guarantor can be an internal one – a member of project consortia and receive funding, or an external one (list of institutions that can act as external application guarantor will be specified in the call documentation). Project duration can be 12–42 months, maximal grant amount per project is CZK 12 million, funding rate is up to 80% (for whole project). News published by Ludmila Součková on 24. 9. 2024. Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter