The project NCP_WIDERA.NET still offers travel grants to support participation of Czech entities in brokerage and matchmaking events focused on call of the Clusters of the second pillar of the Horizon Europe programme (Pillar II: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, see below). The call is open until the financial allocation is used up (80 travel grants are expected to be awarded). If you plan to use this opportunity, please, inform Project Management Department (Ludmila Součková, Please, also contact us if you are interested in other ways to find a suitable coordinator or partners. About the call and detailed instructions. About the call on NCP_WIDERA.NET website. Overview of Horizon Europe events including brokerage and matchmaking events on a portal for National Contact Points. Overview of brokerage events for 2024 calls (in Czech) by Czech National Contact Points. Guidelines for Pitch Sessions for institutions from Widening Countries – a leaflet with hints for researchers from Widening Countries (including Czechia), how to present one's expertise on brokerage events. Maximal travel grant is EUR 1000, the application must be submitted no later than 15 working days before the selected event. The application must include (among others) confirmation of registration, event program or invitation letter. Horizon Europe is currently the main instrument of the European Union to support research and innovation. In its second pillar (Pillar II: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness), there are supported mostly “top-down” projects that must be carried out by international consortia with significant participation of users of results of the projects, the usual consortia size is ca. 8–25 entities (depending on scope of the topic). It is often recommended that researchers who don’t have experience with participation in this kind of projects at least as a Work Package Leader should firstly try to participate as partners in a proposal lead by an experienced coordinator.About Horizon Europe on faculty website Thematic focus of the individual Clusters (from the perspective of the Faculty of Science): Cluster 1: Health Topics potentially relevant for researchers in various fields – e.g. biologists, chemists or geographers – whose results can be applied in health or healthcare. Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society Topics potentially relevant for researchers from fields close to social sciences, therefore especially for geographers. However, it contains also a topic on reinforcing transversal skills of researchers. Cluster 3: Civil security for society Topics potentially relevant for chemists, biologists, geologists and geographers, if their research can be useful in security or disaster resilience. Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space Topics potentially relevant for chemists (CO2 conversion, advanced materials, biodegradable polymers), geographers (Earth observation – Copernicus), geologists (raw materials), and possibly even for biologists (biomaterials, biodegradation of polymers). Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility Topics potentially relevant for researchers in the fields of e.g. geography (Earth observation, transport, Earth system and climate change), biology (climate-ecosystem interactions, biotechnologies), geology (paleoclimate science, raw materials, geothermal resources) or chemists (advanced materials, carbon fixation, biofuels). Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Topics potentially relevant for researchers from the all fields of biology and ecology (if their research is related to agriculture, forestry, food production, biodiversity), geography (rural development, cooperation with Africa, Arctic, Earth observation, land use), hydrology (water management), and chemistry (bio-based materials, production of chemicals from biological resources). News published by Ludmila Součková on 14. 3. 2024. Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter