This information is no longer up-to-date. The programme Interreg Central Europe is preparing a call for proposals of international projects “pioneer solutions for peripheral and lagging areas, making them more attractive to live and work in”. Call launch is planned on 15. 10. 2024, deadline on 10. 12. 2024. Faculty news and internal guidelines for this callThe following two online information events on this call are planned. The Czech Ministry for Regional Development (as the Czech contact point for this programme) organise a national online seminar for this call: When: 1. 10. 2024 (10:00 – 12:00) The event will be probably held in Czech. Invitation – Event webpage and registration - Programme (all in Czech). Registration is possible till the end of September 2024. The event will briefly introduce the call and most of the event will be dedicated to questions and answers. The programme Interreg Central Europe organise a webinar for applicants: When: 15. 10. 2024 The event will be held in English. Invitation – Registration will be possible via the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE applicant community. The event will introduce the thematic and territorial focus and the main features of the call. Space for questions and answers will also be included. Potential applicants should note that the preparation and implementation of Interreg projects can be administratively very demanding. If you plan to participate in a project proposal, please, contact well in advance, 1 month before the deadline at the latest, the Project Management Department (Martina Holíková,, so that all the administrative requirements of the application can be prepared in time. If you consider coordinating a project, please contact us IMMEDIATELY, ca. 2 months before the deadline at the very latest. News published by Ludmila Součková 19. 9. 2024. Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter