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The Czech programme Inter-Excellence II, sub-programme Inter-COST has announced call LUC25 for research projects linked to COST Actions supported by the international COST programme. Deadline is 22. 1. 2025.
ATTENTION: Only researchers who by the time of the call announcement (4. 12. 2024) already participate in a COST Action approved by the international programme COST and have completed the Czech national procedure of joining a COST Action are eligible to apply.
If you plan to apply, please, contact well in advance the Project Management Department (Romana Hogenová,, so that all the formal requirements of the application can be prepared in time.
- Call announcement and documentation (in Czech).
- Czech national procedure of joining a COST Action (in Czech).
A grant of the Czech sub-programme Inter-COST can (partly) fund the research connected with participation in an international COST Action (because the international COST programme funds only “networking” activities). One Principal Investigator (person) may submit a maximum of 1 proposal to this call. Project duration must be at least 20 months and simultaneously it mustn’t exceed duration of the linked international COST Action. Project implementation can start on 1. 9. 2025 at the earliest and be completed by 31. 12. 2028 at the latest. Funding rate for research organisations and non-economic activities is 100 %.
About the international COST programme on faculty website
News published by Ludmila Součková on 4. 12. 2024.
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