On the website of the Czech Science Foundation (GA CR), there is available an overview of measures for reconciling family and professional life of researchers carrying out projects funded by GA CR. These measures can be used in cases of motherhood, parenthood, long-term illness, caring for a close family member or in similar cases. If you want to utilise any of these measures, please contact the Project Management Department (Romana Hogenová, romana.hogenova@natur.cuni.cz). “(Not only) parenting and project implementation” on GA CR website (in Czech)– overview of measures that can be used during the implementation of different types of GA CR projects. News published by Ludmila Součková on 31. 7. 2023. Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter