The Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) introduces a new type of grants – Restart Grants – that will allow scientists to restart their careers after a break for parental leave or caring for a dependent person. The first call will be announced along with the other GA CR calls in February 2025. ATTENTION: For GA CR calls, binding internal guidelines and earlier internal deadlines for the Faculty of Science will be announced. Please, follow the funding opportunities news.Contact person for GA CR at the Faculty of Science: Romana Hogenová About the Restart Grants on GA CR website. Flyer “Pro koho budou určeny nové Návratové granty?” (Who are the new Restart Grants for?) in Czech. The Restart Grants are intended for female and male scientists affiliated with Czech institutions who have completed their doctoral studies within the past 10 years (it will be possible to extended this period by the duration of career breaks). They will be able to apply within 2 years following the end of a career break related to the care of a child or another dependent person, lasting 1–5 years. The project duration will depend on the selected workload, and can be 2–4 years. Principal investigators may also include students and technical staff in their projects. It is expected that approximately 25 new projects will be supported each year. News published by Ludmila Součková on 8. 11. 2024.Updated 19. 12. 2024 (link to the “Who are the new Restart Grants for?” flyer). Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities”newsletter