This information is no longer up-to-date. The European Centre of the Rectorate of the Charles University organise an online info session on some funding opportunities in the Horizon Europe programme, part Widening participation and spreading excellence (Widening), and on the programme COST (European Cooperation in Scientific and Technical Research). When: 9. 10. 2024 (10:00 – 13:00) Where: Charles University Rectorate (Malá Aula, Karolinum), Ovocný trh, Prague 1 The event will be held in English. Event webpage and registration. To open the link, you need to login via the Central Authentication Service of the Charles University. (Link to the event webpage is also available in the calendar of the European Centre.) The event will introduce the Widening grant schemes, especially Teaming for Excellence, ERA Chairs, and Hop On Facility, and COST Actions of the COST programme. It will include information about the support offered by the Department of Science and Research and the European Centre of the Rectorate of the Charles University, experiences of grantees and project managers, and opportunity to ask questions. Horizon Europe is the main tool of the European Union for supporting research and innovation. Goal of the part Widening is to improve research and innovation capacity of the so-called “Widening countries”, strengthen their potential for successful participation in transnational research and innovation processes, promote networking and access to excellence. Grants in Widening should primarily support institutions in the Widening countries – e.g. in Czechia. Hop On Facility enables an additional partner from a Widening country to join a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) international project that was already selected for funding. ERA Chairs enables a host institution in a Widening country to bring in an outstanding world-class researcher who would establish here their research team thus increasing research excellence of the host institution in their specific field with a positive spill-over effect on the institution as a whole. The project should also include measures aimed at introducing structural changes in the host institution. Teaming for Excellence enables creation of a new (or modernisation of an existing) centre of excellence in a Widening country through a strategic partnership with leading institutions abroad. COST supports international collaboration in science and technology. It encourages interdisciplinarity and participation of young researchers. COST Actions funds only “networking” activities (e.g. meetings, workshops and conferences, short-term scientific missions, training schools, virtual mobility...), but not research itself. If you are considering preparation of a Teaming for Excellence or ERA Chairs proposal, please – if you haven’t done so yet – contact IMMEDIATELY the Project Management Department (Ludmila Součková,, because preparation of a high-quality proposal is very demanding and must be connected with strategic plans of the institution. News published by Ludmila Součková on 3. 9. 2024. Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter