This information is no longer up-to-date. Please, read the RECENT NEWS ABOUT THIS CALL. The initiative Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) has announced preliminary information about its planned call for international research projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning. The call is planned to open on 2. 9. 2024, planned deadline for pre-proposals is 14. 11. 2024. Participation of Czech entities will be funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR). On 9. 2024, DUT organise an online info session for applicants. Event information and registration. If you plan to participate in a proposal, please, contact well in advance, 3 weeks before the deadline at the latest, the Project Management Department (Martina Holíková,, so that all the formal requirements of the application can be prepared in time. If you consider preparing a proposal as a coordinator, please, contact us immediately if possible. Call page on DUT website – call themes, timeline, relevant links. DUT Matchmaking Platform. Projects funded in the DUT Call 2022 (source) About the call on TA CR website. TA CR webpage about this programme. Czech participant can participate only in proposals in the following topics: Positive Energy Districts (PED)Towards the climate-neutral city: PEDs, system integration and urban strategiesManaging the urban energy transition: data management and decision support systems 15-Minute City (15mC)Evidence for the urban mobility transition: data and indicators for effective decision-making The project consortium must consist of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries participating in the call, out of that at least 2 must be EU member states or Horizon Europe associated countries – usual consortia consist of partners from 3–5 countries. 1 Principal Investigator (person) cannot participate in more than 2 proposals. Each partner must fulfil the eligibility criteria of their national funder. Countries planning participation in the call: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, UK. Funding of participation of Czech entities will be linked to the TA CR programme Sigma (Sub-objective 4 – International collaboration), only applied research will be supported. The total amount of TA CR support per call for Czech applicants in international projects is 550 000 EUR. The maximum funding per project (its Czech part) will be specified later. The maximal funding rate for Czech participants is 80% of the total eligible costs of the project. News published by Martina Holíková on 31. 7. 2024.Updated 28. 8. 2024 (topics open for Czech participants specified). Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter